June 16, 2024 Grandpa checks in

LayerZero announced an airdrop. According to the early triple reward calculation, 50 tokens will be awarded for three transactions in the later period. A total of 594,641 participants received the airdrop. Judging from the number of participants who received the airdrop, it is estimated that there will be a lot of criticism. The number of participating addresses of LayerZero should not be as many as Zksync, but 600,000 addresses will definitely not meet everyone's expectations, especially the batch accounts of the studio. But to be honest, it is understandable that the studio wants to criticize, but I don't understand why those retail investors are being led by the rhythm. In a word, those who criticize ZK airdrop are either stupid or bad.

In the ZK airdrop rules, the weights are heavier on capital accumulation (real investment) and being an LP (taking risks). Being willing to invest a certain amount of money in the ZKsync ecosystem or taking risks to be an LP is what real players should be like. The strategy of studios and wool-pulling is to spend a small cost (a few U to dozens of U) to get hundreds or even thousands of U of income from the project. And the stupid retail investors, following the studios, want to get a piece of the pie. Imagine if the rules of studios and wool-pulling are really followed, how many U can one account earn from the 6 million accounts on the entire network? As a retail investor, you can only earn tens of U by having a few accounts, while studios can only make big money by having hundreds or thousands of accounts.

Those who are leading the rhythm and scolding ZK are typical bad people, and can even be said to be a cancer in the cryptocurrency circle. Do you think that the studio will give back to the cryptocurrency circle after receiving millions of U airdrops? They are just young models in the club! Why do ZK and L0 have to come up with anti-studio airdrop rules? Isn't it for the consideration of real users? Those who leave after a few interactions are a burden to the cryptocurrency circle, and it is only a matter of time before they are eliminated. As for those who are being led by the rhythm, they are not smart enough. I have said before that you should not follow the studio to play multiple accounts, and you should create a few boutique accounts yourself. I have this strategy, and almost all of them are eligible for airdrops. Several friends in my group have also received rewards. As for those who are being led by the rhythm and scolding, and even reporting to the SEC, they are simply stupid. The cryptocurrency circle prospers together and suffers together. If ZK doesn't get it, there will be another one. We can just be smarter. If it really triggers supervision or other negative things, what good will it do us?

Like investing, we must learn to take risks when we take advantage of airdrops, instead of taking the attitude of "if I take advantage of you, you must give me airdrops, otherwise I will curse you". If you lose money when buying coins, do you have to blame the exchange or your counterparty? The right approach should be to reflect and summarize, be a smart person, and strive to make a profit in the next airdrop or investment event. #ZKsync空投争议

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