June 22, 2024 Grandpa checks in

Recently, He Yi responded to the market controversy about BN listing, saying that CEX and DEX are not closed markets, especially after the summer of DeFi, CEX's voice has weakened a lot, so even if BN is not listed, the project will flow into the market in other ways. The implication is that since everyone wants to buy coins, it is better to buy them on BN, and it also helps users do research.

I believe that many people have a common feeling this year that it has become difficult to speculate in cryptocurrencies. Although Bitcoin and Ethereum have risen 3-4 times from the bottom, first of all, no one can buy at the bottom with a full position, and secondly, the increase in Bitcoin does not meet the dream of entering the cryptocurrency circle, and there is no opportunity to make money in the copycat, so the market points the finger at Binance. After all, this platform with the most say has launched high FDV currencies, and retail investors have no more choices.

From the perspective of technology development and application, blockchain is still in its early stages, but the wealth effect and ease of making money in the B circle have changed dramatically. With the entry of capital and more people with strong earning ability, this phenomenon will only get worse. Objectively speaking, most people do not have a special skill and are still stuck in the early secondary fighting stage. It will only be more difficult to make money, so they should adapt to the changes and find their own areas of expertise.

In terms of market conditions, Bitcoin has temporarily stopped falling, but from a technical perspective, the demand for a retracement to 60,000 is still strong, and it may occur within the next week, but the probability is gradually decreasing, so continue to observe. Judging from the decline of the copycat, it is basically possible to intervene in the position first, especially to buy back the previous selling band. If Bitcoin really continues to retrace, it will be the best time to buy the bottom.

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