The BTC chart shows a "cheap" signal on the trend reversal indicator. We expect that the reduction from June 7 will be established today or tomorrow. If you haven't completed it yesterday.

Our indicator works using Thomas DeMark's candlestick analysis method with modifications, and the screenshot shows how well it works on the daily time frame. 

The last time it gave the “Cheap” signal was on the local day, May 1st. When the rate was below $57,000. And so far there is no reason to believe that this time the situation will be worse.

Our analysis of#BTCyesterday is fully valid. The only thing we will add is vision locally along the waves. Since May 1, there has been a five-wave growth structure. And we bet that the ABC correction has already taken place since June 7. 

If the forecast works, from June 16-17 we will receive not only a rebound, but also a full-fledged reversal with a new ATH. BUT you need to at least confidently break through the EMA of the 50 day TF, the volume level of $67,088, the global upward trend since December 5, 2023 (indicated by the dotted line, currently at $66,896).

Futures trading on#BTCon the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) closed at $65,945. This is the “magnet” price for the resumption of trading on the night from Sunday to Monday. The closest unclosed gap that everyone has forgotten about: the range of $60,830-$61,045.