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Markets were volatile this week, with important developments and data from major economies continuing to affect global financial markets. Here are the key highlights of the week: **United States:** - **Federal Reserve Policy:** The Fed kept interest rates unchanged but adjusted its expectations for future interest rate trends, predicting only one rate cut by 2024. The move reflects growing confidence in slowing inflation. - **Economic Data:** The year-on-year increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) fell slightly in May, with the core CPI slowing to its lowest growth rate in more than three years, but still above market expectations. The Producer Price Index (PPI) fell month-on-month, indicating reduced pressure. **Japan:** - **Bank of Japan:** The Bank of Japan kept its policy rate unchanged and postponed plans to reduce its bond purchases, a decision that affected the yen exchange rate and caused volatility in the market. **Europe:** - **Bond Market Double Kill:** European markets suffered a "Black Friday", with both stocks and bonds suffering heavy losses, and political turmoil in France exacerbated market uncertainty. **Global:** - **Gold and Bitcoin:** Escalating geopolitical tensions in the Middle East pushed gold prices up by more than $30. Bitcoin suffered a heavy blow due to the deterioration of market sentiment. These events reflect the complex challenges and risks facing the global economy. Investors need to pay close attention to the policy adjustments of central banks and changes in economic data, as well as the impact of geopolitical events on the market.

Markets were volatile this week, with important developments and data from major economies continuing to affect global financial markets. Here are the key highlights of the week:

**United States:**

- **Federal Reserve Policy:** The Fed kept interest rates unchanged but adjusted its expectations for future interest rate trends, predicting only one rate cut by 2024. The move reflects growing confidence in slowing inflation.

- **Economic Data:** The year-on-year increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) fell slightly in May, with the core CPI slowing to its lowest growth rate in more than three years, but still above market expectations. The Producer Price Index (PPI) fell month-on-month, indicating reduced pressure.


- **Bank of Japan:** The Bank of Japan kept its policy rate unchanged and postponed plans to reduce its bond purchases, a decision that affected the yen exchange rate and caused volatility in the market.


- **Bond Market Double Kill:** European markets suffered a "Black Friday", with both stocks and bonds suffering heavy losses, and political turmoil in France exacerbated market uncertainty.


- **Gold and Bitcoin:** Escalating geopolitical tensions in the Middle East pushed gold prices up by more than $30. Bitcoin suffered a heavy blow due to the deterioration of market sentiment.

These events reflect the complex challenges and risks facing the global economy. Investors need to pay close attention to the policy adjustments of central banks and changes in economic data, as well as the impact of geopolitical events on the market.

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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买空的赢麻了 都亏的裤衩子都没了 💥加密市场大崩盘!多头血亏4亿,看空党逆袭?!💸 📉🌪️过去24小时,加密货币市场遭遇大崩盘,多头们竟然在这场浩劫中损失了近4亿美元! 没错,你没听错,是近4亿美元啊!感觉像是瞬间蒸发了一大笔财富!😱 😵‍💫据Finbold的权威数据,这场大崩盘中共计清算了4.4024亿美元。而最惨的是那些坚守长仓的多头们,他们损失了高达3.7852亿美元!以太坊(ETH)更是成为了这场风暴的中心,无数以太多头被无情地卷入了这场漩涡。🌪️ 😎不过,看空党们似乎在这场大崩盘中找到了逆袭的机会。他们仅损失了不到6200万美元,相比之下简直是赚翻了!特别是那些做空ETH的交易员们,简直是笑得合不拢嘴!😆 🤔这场大崩盘背后究竟隐藏着怎样的真相?是市场的自然调整,还是有人在背后操纵?各位加密勇士们,你们怎么看呢?🤔 🚀不过话说回来,对于那些寻找投资机会的人来说,分析师们认为现在是买入另类硬币的好时机。毕竟,那些被清算的加密货币看涨者们已经降低了整体风险敞口,为市场带来了新的机会。💼 🔮然而,市场总是充满了不确定性。虽然TOTAL3指数(指所有除比特币和以太坊外的加密货币资本化)达到了5930亿美元的市值支持,似乎暗示着一个“几年一次”的机会。但是,考虑到市场的波动性,我们还是需要保持警惕。🔭 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #BTC走势分析 #meme板块关注热点 #LayerZero
以色列传来重大消息! 金价突然大跌的真正原因在这里 如何交易黄金? 🚨金市风云突变! 以色列内讧引金价跳水 交易大神教你如何“抄底”?!💸 💥以色列传来惊天大瓜!内塔尼亚胡大哥突然宣布战时内阁解散,这消息一出,全球金市都炸开了锅! 😱原以为中东局势会让黄金水涨船高,结果没想到“煮熟的鸭子飞了”! 📉金价暴跌真相大揭秘!原来,美债收益率飙升才是幕后黑手!就像“小甜甜”突然变“牛夫人”,黄金这“非生息资产”瞬间失宠!😢 💡交易大神来支招!那么,黄金大回调后我们该如何操作呢?Valencia大神表示,头肩形态保持完好,金价前景中性至偏空。想抄底的小伙伴们得悠着点,别被“空头陷阱”给套牢了!🤔 📈抄底机会在哪里?如果金价跌破2300美元/盎司,首个支撑位就是2277美元/盎司。当然,如果金价能反弹并突破2387美元/盎司,那可就“海阔凭鱼跃”了!🚀 🔔经济数据来袭!接下来,美国零售销售、初请失业金人数和PMI初值等数据将陆续出炉,金市又将迎来一波大考!小伙伴们赶紧做好准备,别错过这次“捞金”的好机会!📊 🎉总结:中东局势变幻莫测,金市波动也如影随形。但只要我们保持冷静、理性分析,就能在“金海”中乘风破浪、直挂云帆!🌊 $BTC $ETH $BNB #新币挖矿 #以色列 #黄金 #新币挖矿
🚨SOL危机四伏! 索拉纳(Solana)价格暴跌,还能守住130美元防线吗?😱 📉 索拉纳(Solana)这位昔日的“加密小霸王”竟然在短短时间内从云端跌入谷底! 价格跌破45天低点,真是“飞流直下三千尺”啊!💔 🤔 还记得那短暂的辉煌时刻吗?6月16日,SOL还曾反弹至151美元的高位,可转眼间,就遭遇了24%的“血洗”!这跌幅,比同期加密货币总市值的14%还要猛烈!💥 🔍 链上交易活动低迷、杠杆头寸需求不振,一系列指标都预示着索拉纳的“看跌”势头可能还将持续。难道说,我们真的要见证SOL跌破130美元,甚至更低的“历史性”时刻吗?😱 🤷‍♂️ 不仅如此,标普500指数的强劲表现、科技股的崛起,以及投资者对美联储降息的乐观预期,都让加密货币市场感受到了前所未有的压力。尤其是像SOL这样的山寨币,更是承受着巨大的风险。毕竟,在这个以智能合约为重点的区块链领域,竞争可是异常激烈啊!💪 😮 值得一提的是,就连BitMEX的联合创始人兼前CEO Arthur Hayes都预言,索拉纳在未来一到三年内恐怕无法成为顶级DApps网络的领头羊。看来,SOL的“前途堪忧”啊!😢 🔥 不过话说回来,市场总是充满变数。也许在某个不经意的瞬间,SOL就能上演一场“绝地反击”的戏码呢?毕竟,在加密货币的世界里,一切皆有可能!🚀 快来留言讨论吧!你觉得SOL能否守住130美元的防线?还是将一泻千里?👇👇👇 #solana $SOL #sol板块 #SOLFI #sol趋势 #SOLFI

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