#BTC Yesterday, the price of Bitcoin started to fall near the high point of 67,300, and the lowest point was near 65,000, a drop of 2,300 points, and then began to rebound. It has now rebounded to around 66,100. At the daily level, Bitcoin has stabilized, with a support of 65,000. If it falls below 64,500, it will be 60,000-61,000. The rebound in the past two days of the weekend will not fluctuate too much. However, if Bitcoin is viewed at the weekly level, the downward trend has just begun, so the short-term and medium- and long-term investment operation strategies are different. If the short-term investment rebounds, it will be sold. Wait until next week to see the market trend and make a decision.

#ETH Ethereum started to fall near 3530 yesterday, and the lowest point was 3362, down 170 points, and began to rebound. At present, it has reversed in 4 hours. Ethereum's rebound is still relatively strong. At present, the short-term support of 3360 is stable. Ethereum has fallen more than 600 points after consolidating from the high point of about 4000, which is not a small amount. However, the spot ETF of Ethereum has not really landed yet, so there will be more funds in the market to buy the bottom of Ethereum. Everyone wants to wait for the landing to take advantage of this wave of Ethereum, so the rebound will be fierce, which is reasonable.

#BOME has been relatively strong in the past two days. Yesterday, because of the launch of Coinbase contract, it was relatively strong. Yesterday, it did not fall much with the market. Spot can continue to hold, and those who do not have a position can ambush decisively. The current position of 0.0103 is also very good. If you want to take high multiples, you must take medium and long-term.

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