Today's community market interpretation

#BTC Bitcoin's low point hit 58400 and started to rebound. It has now rebounded to around 61400, which is about 3000 points. In the short term, it should be stable. I mentioned to you before that Bitcoin fell below 64500 and we will see Bitcoin at 60000. It fell as expected. My friends who have been paying attention to me have seen that Bitcoin will not fall much in the short term, but will only fluctuate upward

#ETH Ethereum fell back to around 3200 and started to rebound. It has now rebounded to around 3400. Ethereum's decline is not as much as Bitcoin, so the rebound is not that fierce. At present, Ethereum is basically linked to Bitcoin and does not have its own independent market. Ethereum spot ETF has not landed yet. I think there will be another wave of hype sooner or later

#BOME This wave of retracement has inserted into the previous low of 0.0078. This position has been hit twice. The probability of the bottom can be said to be as high as 99%. Those who pay attention can see that this wave of big cake retracement, Bome did not fall much, and it rebounded relatively quickly, so those who do not have a spot position must remember to ambush. The current price is around 0.009 Bome. Friends who can hold on to this position can wait for the market to come and eat 5X-10X at will.

Today, let’s talk about the market of cottages. The current market has changed a bit from the previous one. This wave of big cake retracement can be said to be relatively large, with a drop of at least tens of thousands of points, but many cottages seem to have not fallen much this wave, and they can’t fall anymore. This is a signal. Pay attention to the more resistant ones, and look at the rebounds. The currencies that rebounded more strongly this week. If they break through the upward trend, you can find these currencies to ambush.

At present, the meme sector is still the hottest in the market, #PEPE #flokiThese two are the leaders of meme Dragon 1 and Dragon 2, so you can focus on them

Today, the #SOL chain series rebounded quickly, and SOL also rebounded a lot, including WIF#BONKBOME, etc.