Retail investors need to have the following knowledge when investing in the cryptocurrency circle, otherwise they will easily lose money:

Newbies should never touch contract trading, it is easy to get carried away.

Treasure your own funds, don't wait until the opportunity comes but you have no bullets.

Whether it is spot or contract, you must know when to stop and put the money in your pocket.

Greed will make you lose everything. Be aware that there are many trustees and scams in this circle, don't trade on unknown exchanges.

Search more and ask more. This is a game of insight and endurance, 99% of the projects are worthless. Only those who stop when they make money are the winners, don't dream of making money from beginning to end.

This game is to see what cards the dealer plays, and then you can counter them. Sometimes the dealer will withdraw funds directly to cut leeks when they have absorbed enough funds, and the funds will be transferred to the next coin.

Sometimes, before the expected position is reached, they will continue to pull up and cut leeks, and you must have the dealer's thinking.

Don't play on weekends recently, there are rarely big increases, and the dealer's funds are not on the plate.

New coins are put on the chain or on the exchange just to cut leeks. Don't think that the dealer will raise the price for free to let you make money, that is all the hard-earned money of the leeks.

This is just a money game. You must learn to review, summarize, and review continuously.

If you don't know how to screen strong coins, then I suggest you follow me. Whether it is spot or contract, a little shot may be your limit. The opportunity is short, so you must seize it! Success is not based on luck, choice is greater than effort, and the circle determines destiny. In the currency circle, in addition to having a keen eye for judging the situation, you must also keep up with a good team and a good leader. Follow me and you will be halfway to success in the currency circle! Near qu1n + Wei: SY0002337

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