On Friday, short-term runaway moment, two consecutive full ✓! Lao Gu Shipan's summary and early morning ideas!

The market's hot spots have been driven by news in the past two days. We have been stuck in the intraday shock market and made short-term range bands. We also got very good space profits. We tried our best to avoid the impact of sweeping and washing. We also reached the limit of trading during the day, and won more than 1,200 orders in two orders. The numbers in the account are the greatest proof of the market, technology, and reaction ability!

At the 4-hour short-term level, two large negative columns directly penetrated the low point and closed below 61,000. The Bollinger band opened up and down. This sign is obviously in the transitional range of the oversold correction period of the sharp drop. The short-term signals of the current technical structure have not completely stopped the decline. The various attached indicators show very obvious short-selling momentum, and the signal of continuing to move downward is obvious. So in my operation, we will go short on the rebound and go short on the high, and the principle remains unchanged. Tonight, let's see whether 66,000 rebounds back. If it cannot stabilize, the shorts will have further downward exploration.

In the short term, pay attention to the 65,000 area. If it effectively falls below, the downward channel will be completely released, and there is a high probability that 64,000 will be seen. In this context, a slight rebound at midnight can arrange short orders!

Operation ideas on Friday morning

For Bitcoin, short around 66,000-65,500, look at the 65,000 area, and continue to look at 64,000 if it breaks strongly. If it does not break, short 800-1,300 points, and defend 700 points.

For Ethereum, just synchronize with Bitcoin!

#币安合约锦标赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥