If you are one of the following nine types, you are not suitable for the cryptocurrency circle. Please feel free to move bricks.

1. Hearsay type. This type of person believes everything he hears and sees on Weibo. He can act directly without thinking. All public information is deliberately given to leeks by dog ​​dealers, just to cut leeks. And all the information is reflected in the currency price in advance before it is made public.

2. Full warehouse cottage type. The biggest feature of this type of person is that he may only have tens of thousands of yuan of funds, but he can actually own dozens of cottage coins. He wants to own all coins, and he says that he has all the coins that have risen. The probability of betting on meme coins like pepe is too small.

3. Uncontrollable type. Every time he operates, he knows that it is wrong, but he can't control himself. When buying and selling, he says that he wants to buy and sell at that time, but his hands are out of control.

4. Admit mistakes but don't change. It is typical that he always admits his mistakes and never changes them. The same problem can be committed forever but can never be changed.

5. Gambler type. No fundamentals, no understanding of trading logic, no cognition, and still like high leverage, all-in.

6. Pretending to be B. Some people, who obviously lose a lot of money, just love to brag. The market is not for them to operate, but for them to talk and brag.

7. Too deep into the play. This kind of people treat fluctuations as a TV series. Every slight change can make them lose control of their emotions. They lose control of rising, falling, and consolidating. If they are trapped for 4 hours, they will suffer for 4 hours.

8. Buy but don't sell. This kind of people are reluctant to sell after buying, deceiving themselves that this is a bull market, and never know how to stop loss. After the altcoin can fall by 80%, it can fall by another 80%, but they don't stop loss and continue to hold.

9. Long and short lines are not separated, and positions cannot be managed. This kind of people feel uncomfortable when the price falls, and they feel uncomfortable when they rise. They feel uncomfortable when they are trapped after falling, and they feel uncomfortable when they don't buy when the price rises. They say that they forget to add positions when the price falls, and regret not selling when the price rises.