The founder of FTX also caused the collapse of the top three exchanges at the time because of lending.

LUNA fell directly from the fourth-ranked currency in market value to the altar because of lending.

Whether it is LUNA, FTX or today's CRV, they are all caused by lending. The difference is that the former two were liquidated in the bear market, while CRV was liquidated in the bull market, which illustrates two phenomena.

First: Lending is very risky. Whether it is a bull market or a bear market, you cannot borrow. As long as the lending is liquidated, no matter how many assets you have, it is not enough to lose.

Second: Not all currencies can rise in a bull market.

Some people may think that LUNA and FTX are borrowing in a bear market, which is very risky. Then all currencies will rise in a bull market, so lending is safe. Who dares to guarantee that all currencies will rise in a bull market, and no one dares to guarantee that the currency in your hand will rise.

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Such an idea can only be said to have entered a misunderstanding. In fact, no matter what is a bull market or a bear market, the main force does not need funds to smash the market, but only needs data to smash the market.

From this point of view, whether it is a bull market or a bear market, lending, contracts, and leverage are all high-risk products. These are not games that ordinary people can play, so you must stay away from them.

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