A short-term wash is inevitable, and this is how the good news lands.

After Bitcoin passed the ETF on January 10, it fell and washed for 12 days, and then the ETF market started.

At present, the crypto market has been washed for 3 consecutive months. The market sentiment is low, and it is not realistic to wash for a few more months. I think this wash, compared with the number of days after Bitcoin passed the ETF, should be basically the same, and I still maintain the view of short-term wash.

If this bull market is really over, then quit the circle decisively, and there is no point in staying any longer.

So, since the dog dealers in this round of bull market have already played like this, then play to the end! See who can survive to the end.

Where will it fall to buy the bottom?

1. The callback market predicted two days ago also appeared as expected. This callback may be the last night before the big surge

2. The callback range of BTC is 60000-63500. We will see where it falls

3. If ETH can fall back to around 2850, you can buy it directly on the left

US stocks fell, Mt. Gox transferred Bitcoin, and Grayscale sold Ethereum. There will definitely be opportunities for gold pits in the near future. Prepare your bullets and be ready to shoot at any time!

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