#美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #IO

With this decline, although the big cake has not pulled back much, most of the cottages have pulled back to a bottom position after this wash. Now most cottages have completed the bottoming out at the bottom and are preparing to break new highs.

For example:

Meme sector: PEPE, BONK, FLOKI


SOL ecology: RAY, JUP, JTO

AI sector: RNDR, WLD, AGIX,

Game sector: YGG, GALA ​​​

These currencies are all high-quality currencies that can be selected for entry. There are many pullbacks in the bull market, but every pullback is an opportunity to get on the train. Looking at the previous bull markets, there will be ten-fold and hundred-fold coins, and this round of bull market is no exception!

If you miss this round of bull market, it will be four years. Friends who don’t know how to layout can layout with Brother Egg’s high-end bureau to maximize their benefits!