Let’s review last night’s CPI data and interest rate meeting:

First, the CPI data was 3.3%, lower than the previous value, which was good news, and the market rose accordingly. However, the dot plot released at the interest rate meeting at 2 a.m. showed only one interest rate cut, which directly caused the market to close. This fully reflects the current lack of liquidity in the market, and the market sentiment brought by the news alone can manipulate prices.

Then we return to the trend to see the future trend. Any news that affects the market is short-term. The price will eventually return to its own trend. Once the trend is formed, it will not change easily. Whether it is the non-agricultural data last Friday, or the CPI and interest rate meeting, they all reflect the expectation of interest rate cuts in the future. The only certainty is that we are already in the cycle of interest rate cuts. Therefore, we are born in the sun. In the second stage of the bull market, our response strategy is still to implement the strategy of buying small when the price drops slightly and buying big when the price drops sharply! Dare to hold the currency, stay away from leverage, and wait for the flowers to bloom!


If you read yesterday's daily report, you will find that the daily report has a good grasp of the points! The bottom formed a structural destruction last night, forming an opportunity for buying, but the price did not stand above the 70,200 high point to form a H4 level structural destruction. H4 is still in a falling structure, and the price is in a technical shock repair. Wait patiently!


Yesterday's daily report reminded us to pay attention to the buying opportunities near 3420. If we keep up, we will get at least 200 points of gains! Similarly, H4 is still in a downward structure, and the market follows the technical shock repair of BTC. Be patient! The key is to wait for the news of ETH's ETF listing! ETH is currently a high-cost-effective variety.

Optimize the quantitative strategy configuration plan:

Countermeasures for insufficient positions:

Suspend all strategies (to avoid locking the API), and set the strategy type to conservative or extreme!

If you have a spare position, you can transfer the spare position to the spot account!

If there are positions that are released, the strategy of the currency with large floating losses can be suspended first, so that the closed positions can be used to release positions with currencies with small floating losses more easily and profitably!

Seize the opportunity of market rebound, release the currency positions, and adjust and reduce the position ratio in time!

Start the sharding strategy as appropriate! (The number of shards refers to the first shard position average price. The closer it is to the current average price, the more appropriate it is)

In the current market, we can focus on implementing this practical technique (with good results):

1. After the strategy covers the 4th position, the strategy type can be adjusted to conservative!

2. When the 4th position of the strategy is closed with profit, adjust the strategy type to stable or volatile!

The information and data involved in this content are derived from publicly available materials, and we strive to be accurate and reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information. The content does not constitute any investment advice, and you are solely responsible for investing based on it!