
《When will the altcoin bull market come?》

At 312, the total market value of Bitcoin was 4T, ETH was 0.6T, other altcoins were 2T, and stablecoins were 0.04T;

In 2021, the big bulls were: Bitcoin 62T, ETH 27T, other 52T, and stablecoins 1T

It can be seen that there has been a huge increase in the price of stablecoins and coins. It is a big bull market in terms of perception, and a big victory for the coin hoarders.

Currently, they are: Bitcoin 69T, ETH 22T, other 35T, and stablecoins 1.1T


1. The current inflow of stablecoins is equivalent to the bull market in 2021. If there is no large amount of new inflow, it will be almost enough to support a coin price equivalent to that in 2021.

2. The total market value of altcoins is slightly lower than the previous round, but considering the current clever low circulation and high release of altcoins, the difficulty of rising will be greater than that in 2021-you buy to double, and he makes a hundred times profit on the spot when he ships.

3. Overall, ETF is an emotional buy, not a real buy. The size of the cryptocurrency market is already very large. The impact of ETF's tens of billions of funds in a few months on the overall market trading volume is far less than that of Grayscale in the past.

4. The external flooding has not come yet, but it will come; therefore, there will be a violent copycat bull market, but it may not be a sudden disaster now. The ideal situation is that the starting price is lower and lower, and the lower the better.

5. Perhaps one scenario is that the copycat is low enough, combined with the future interest rate cut, it will trigger a big rise at some point in the future.