
game introduction

The first stage

Starting from June 10th, the first phase of activities will begin, opening the door to all explorers.

Complete the designated tasks and you will get rich rewards:

  • Medals: Medals of different rarities will bring different amounts of "token rewards". The more valuable the medal, the richer the reward.

  • Exclusive Equipment: Each piece of equipment is a unique, tradable NFT.

  • $ARB Token Bonus: Up to 1,000 $ARB tokens are waiting for you to claim.

  • Reputation: Each completed mission will increase your reputation level. The higher your reputation level, the more generous token rewards you will receive.

  • Lottery Opportunity: After completing the task, you will have the opportunity to participate in the "New Pioneer NFT Whitelist" lottery. Explorers with higher reputation levels will have a greater chance of obtaining a pass, which will be an important pass to participate in future events.

The event will end on June 24th or 28th (the exact date is to be determined). The distribution of whitelist passes will be carried out in late June to early July.

second stage

Explorers holding the pass will gain exclusive access to new content, missions, testing sessions, and the opportunity to provide feedback in Phase 2. In addition, additional token allocations will be provided to participants.

The third phase

We will continue to provide exclusive content to pass holders, and explorers who do not yet hold a pass will also be given the opportunity to experience new features and missions from time to time.

Well, let’s start the tutorial without further ado:

Portal: https://nfq.thebeacon.gg/?referral=zaijin338191

After entering, connect to Twitter. If the connection fails, click the link below to appeal.


Then complete the main line here, follow Twitter to connect to the wallet, etc. It's very simple to do it one by one

After completing the main quest, click this to start the game

Come in and click star

Enter the game: W, A, S, D on the keyboard correspond to forward, backward, left, and right respectively, and the left mouse button corresponds to attack and selection

We click on the armor, put it on, and go out to the green box on the right.

Go straight in the direction of the arrow

After seeing this old man, go up in the direction of the arrow.

Talk to the bald hammer uncle

Dialogue completed (left mouse button) Attack this scarecrow

Then talk to the bald uncle

The dialogue is completed and the first task is over.

Then click the second

Enter the game and go up along the arrow in a tavern

Then click on this beer and drink it

After drinking, we go down and talk to him.

The conversation is complete and the second mission is over.

We click on the following task

After entering, go all the way to the right and kill the skeleton monsters with the left button.

I walked all the way over and continued to talk to the bald uncle.

Then we come here and need to kill 10 skeletons before we can get out

The kill is complete, come back and talk to the bald uncle

Dialogue completed, mission completed

We click on the second task below

After entering, I talked to the familiar bald man again

After the conversation is completed, the door above will open and we can go in.

After entering, walk along the road and you will meet a ninja. Talk to him.

After the conversation is over, go through the door on the right.

After entering, walk up and it ends at the door. There are many rats here and it is easy to die.

Tips: Spacebar can be used to teleport a short distance, as long as you don't die and rush to the door, it will end.

After finishing, return to the main interface to complete the four small tasks selected in the red box, which are also very simple such as forwarding

Finally, click on the green box to open the treasure chest to get points, and there is a chance to get $ARB

I will update you later when new tasks are released.

Well, the interaction is over, and everyone will get rich soon~

#Airdropairdrop #空投分享 #空投零噜分享 #ARB🔥🔥🔥