
Project Description

Plume Network is a modular, Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible second-layer blockchain focused on real-world assets (RWA). Its goal is to provide a full-stack infrastructure for compliant deployment of various asset classes, supporting financial activities such as earning yield, lending, trading, and leveraged speculation. Currently running on a private testnet, Plume Network has established more than 80 RWA and DeFi projects, and uses Arbitrum Orbit as its EVM chain, as well as Celestia to provide data availability to ensure high-speed transactions and low fees.

team introduction

The Plume team is made up of experienced entrepreneurs, investors, and operators with extensive Web2 and Web3 experience. Team members have worked at well-known companies such as Coinbase, Robinhood, Binance, LayerZero, dYdX, JP Morgan, Galaxy Digital, etc. Their backgrounds and professional capabilities enable them to uniquely connect traditional finance and blockchain technology. This diverse experience and background enables Plume to gain advantages in technology and market execution.


Plume Network raised $10 million in a seed round led by Haun Ventures. Other investors included Galaxy Ventures, Superscrypt, A Capital, SV Angel, Portal Ventures, and Reciprocal Ventures. The participation of these investors not only provides financial support for Plume, but also provides strategic cooperation and industry recognition for its future development. The funds will be used to accelerate product development, expand the ecosystem, and strengthen compliance and security measures, further consolidating Plume's leading position in the RWA field.

The project officially launched the first phase of the testnet adventure on June 25th. Hurry up and start accumulating our Plume Miles points! To win more short shares in the future~

Without further ado, let's start the tutorial~

Tutorial Start

Portal: https://miles.plumenetwork.xyz/join?invite=PLUME-JB23J

After entering, we click here to link the wallet

After the link is completed, it will automatically add the test network for us, and we can sign the wallet

Then we will get 5000 points, we continue to click Get Started

After entering, it will prompt that we are not eligible for mint. Don't worry, we continue to click here

Then we click here to share the event on Twitter

Then come to the Twitter interface, we click send

After sending, we return to this interface and click on the link to our Twitter

If we have posted on Twitter and successfully linked but are still not eligible, don't worry, just click here to refresh

After the link is successful, you can come back and mint NFT. Click here

A prompt will pop up asking us to get water. Continue clicking to get water.

After coming in

  1. Connect wallet

  2. Complete human-machine verification

  3. Click to receive water

ps: This project is quite popular. It is difficult to get water. If you still cannot get it, we will see the next step.

It doesn't matter if we can't get water. We can go down here to get water and then cross the bridge.

Here are two websites for you to get water:

Website 1: https://www.alchemy.com/faucets/ethereum-sepolia

This URL requires a 0.001ETH balance on the mainnet to receive water

Website 2: https://sepolia-faucet.pk910.de/

This website does not require a mainnet balance, but requires 2 points of humanity points. 2 points is very simple. Just follow the prompts to reach it.

Water licence completed

Then we return to this interface and click Bridge in the upper right corner of the page.

After coming in:

  1. Link Wallet

  2. Click here to switch to Sepolia on top and Plume Testnet on the bottom

  3. Enter amount

  4. Click Transfer Tokens and wait for a few minutes.

Then we go back to this interface and click Mint NFT~

The one on the right is our NFT. The one on the left can be used to invite our friends to participate and get more points.

This test network has just been opened. There will be new tasks and updated tutorials later. Please stay tuned!

#PlumeNetwork #空投零嚕分享 #空投分享 #空投联盟