Bitcoin has fallen, and small coins are wailing everywhere. Now is a good time for us to pick up chips. The high-quality copycat pool of the madman is almost ready, with 100x coins included. It is planned to be released in the afternoon and evening of this Thursday (June 14). At that time, everyone can enter the introduction of the new ball to claim it.

Let's talk about the market. Bitcoin failed to hit 70,000 four times and fell back again, continuing to fluctuate repeatedly in the box. From the technical chart, the large head and shoulders bottom structure of the high-level platform has come out perfectly. The left shoulder starts from March 1st and the lowest point on May 1st is exactly 2 months. Then the formation time of the right shoulder will generally be 2 months. Therefore, the probability of starting the main uptrend in July is extremely high; from the news point of view, the listing time of Ethereum ETF will be from the end of June to the beginning of July. This wave of incremental funds is expected to bring new enthusiasm for long positions; from the data point of view, this month's non-agricultural data will exceed expectations and will be repaired next month. The superposition of several levels will help the rise in July. There is a high probability that it will need to hold on for a while in June. The low point of the right shoulder is around 63,500. If it can reach below 64,000, it will be an excellent opportunity to add positions in the short term. Today's daily line is smashed with volume, so it will seek support later. The strong supports are 65,500 and 63,500 respectively.

Let's not talk about Ethereum. Once the ETF is listed later, the exchange rate against Bitcoin will rise. After all, the increase in real money and silver comes from traditional institutions.

Small coins are more miserable. 90% of small coins have now fallen to the position of 56,000 in the big cake. It can be said that there is no money-making effect. Among the thousands of small coins, only 20 to 30 have outperformed the big cake this year. Most of them are MEME coins, which can be described as miserable. The core reason here is that there are too many small coins listed, the market value is too large, and there is no institutional capital support. So when will the copycat season really come? Madman believes that only after Bitcoin reaches a new high can funds really overflow into these valuable small coins. The current market value of small coins is not too expensive, and it is a good time to build positions in batches.

In addition, recently the world's large exchange OKX has been FUDed by various media. For this kind of thing, Madman's solution has always been "a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall", come out first to protect yourself first

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