Justin Sun reveals that Warren Buffett made 10x in crypto, TRX grows 1000%!

Tron founder Justin Sun revealed the latest cryptocurrency gains of American entrepreneur Warren Buffett on X. According to Justin Sun, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway has held Tron (TRX) for more than 4 years. During this period, TRX has risen by 1000% and has a daily return of 0.6%, making Buffett more than 10 times richer than when he first invested.

In 2020, Justin Sun, founder of Tron blockchain, gifted 1,930,830 TRX tokens to famous American entrepreneur Warren Buffett. At the time, the TRX gift was worth about $31,086. Fast forward to 2024, and this holding has soared by 1000%, with Buffett's TRX holdings reaching a staggering $289,000.

It all started with a charity dinner where Justin Sun paid $4.57 million for the chance to dine with Warren Buffett. At the 2020 dinner, Justin Sun gifted Buffett 1.93 million TRX tokens, worth about $31,086 at the time.

According to Justin Sun, Buffett has held these TRX tokens for 1,688 days, during which time the value of TRX has soared by more than 1,000%, from an initial $31,086 to $289,000, a 10-fold increase. Justin Sun also pointed out that Buffett's TRX holdings have an average daily return of 0.6%.

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