Tomorrow is the data day. If the data is positive, the interest rate will be cut immediately.

Then the probability of a new high in the next two days is very high.

If the data is negative, the interest rate cut may be delayed, and it may reach around 64,600.

After the negative is digested, it will continue to rise. ​​​

But in the short term, the probability of a rate cut is almost zero. . .

#美联储利率决策即将公布 #美联储何时降息?

I will give you a thumbs up if you can see this, and pin it to the top of the thousands of people to communicate.

In this impetuous society, there are not many people who can patiently read an article!

From the bottom of my heart, the most important thing for us in the currency circle is not to be impulsive. The principal is there, the opportunity is there. If the principal is gone, no matter how good the opportunity is, it will be useless💪.

I suggest that you think more before opening a position, and think twice before acting🌹!