Narrow range fluctuation, flat as water, can only be used to summarize the market in the past few days. The price of cake is now repaired at 69500. The highest rebound last night was 70200, and the lowest was 69200. The fluctuation is limited and the range is not large. The daily K closed with a small negative line with upper and lower shadows. Xia Sen's view is still low and long. Retreat to 69000 and look at 70000. Secondly, after stabilizing 70000, look at 71000 and 72000, defend 68500, and the monthly target is 80000!

The price of the concubine is 3667. The intraday retracement to 3630 will start the low layout. The target is 3700 and 3780 unchanged, and the defense is 3570.

The above is only a personal opinion. The market changes in real time. Everything is based on real-time guidance. Investment is risky and you need to be cautious when entering the market! #美联储利率决策即将公布 #币安用户数突破2亿