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Traditional expectations of men in the past have produced unexpected results. Not wanting to get married is just the first step. As time goes by, people will find that without the constraints of marriage, men generally surpass women in their ability to pursue better material living conditions. For men, the main role of marriage is often concentrated in two aspects: one is to meet sexual needs, and the other is to pass on offspring. If the latter becomes no longer necessary, and the former can be achieved through money, will the necessity of marriage be greatly reduced? Further thinking, when some women find it difficult to meet higher living needs because marriage cannot provide sufficient material security, how might they choose? Is it possible to take some extreme paths, such as some social phenomena we know? Following the basic laws of the market, when supply exceeds demand, prices tend to tend to demand. Once this cycle is formed, it will have far-reaching consequences. Suppose the price of a service is reduced to a level that ordinary men can afford every week, then, how many men will be willing to pay high gifts and costs for marriage? Productivity has always been the key to promoting changes in production relations. Since the transition from matriarchal society to patriarchal society, women's dominant position in human society has gradually faded away. What we see today is just a tiny moment in the long river of history. In the end, everything will return to its most essential state. #美联储利率决策即将公布 #币安用户数突破2亿

Traditional expectations of men in the past have produced unexpected results.

Not wanting to get married is just the first step.

As time goes by, people will find that without the constraints of marriage, men generally surpass women in their ability to pursue better material living conditions.

For men, the main role of marriage is often concentrated in two aspects: one is to meet sexual needs, and the other is to pass on offspring.

If the latter becomes no longer necessary, and the former can be achieved through money, will the necessity of marriage be greatly reduced?

Further thinking, when some women find it difficult to meet higher living needs because marriage cannot provide sufficient material security, how might they choose?

Is it possible to take some extreme paths, such as some social phenomena we know?

Following the basic laws of the market, when supply exceeds demand, prices tend to tend to demand.

Once this cycle is formed, it will have far-reaching consequences.

Suppose the price of a service is reduced to a level that ordinary men can afford every week,

then, how many men will be willing to pay high gifts and costs for marriage?

Productivity has always been the key to promoting changes in production relations.

Since the transition from matriarchal society to patriarchal society, women's dominant position in human society has gradually faded away.

What we see today is just a tiny moment in the long river of history.

In the end, everything will return to its most essential state.

#美联储利率决策即将公布 #币安用户数突破2亿

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炒币八载,由五十万至六千万的传奇之路 随着市场的涌动,新的牛市篇章即将揭开序幕。手中握有五十万本金的你,或许正期待着一场财富的盛宴。在此,我为你整理出了经过市场验证的“十大操盘箴言”,助你在这场博弈中乘风破浪。 一、横盘待变,耐心是金 市场常有平静期,但每一次的沉寂都是为了更大的爆发。只要不是在高位横盘,耐心持有,必有厚报。 二、均线突破,缩量企稳 当币价放量突破某根重要均线后,若后续缩量且仍站稳该均线之上,便是入场的最佳时机。 三、龙头币种,下跌藏机 板块中的龙头币种,其下跌往往蕴藏着机会。它们的调整,是为了下一次的腾飞。 四、缺口上攻,强势不减 带有跳空缺口的币种,其上涨力度往往十分强劲。只要回踩不破缺口,上涨趋势便将持续。 五、爆炒妖币,警惕陷阱 那些短时间内暴涨十几倍的币种,往往是市场泡沫的体现。它们的涨停,很可能是主力在自导自演,切莫被其表象所迷惑。 六、牛市持币,盈利之道 在牛市中,不赚钱的人往往是因为不能坚定持币。记住,牛市就是要坚持持有优质币种。 七、顶部非尖,双顶常见 市场的顶部往往不是尖顶,而是会出现双顶或多重顶的形态。这是市场规律,也是投资者需要警惕的。 八、MACD金叉,买点显现 在牛市中,当MACD的DIF线向下试探0轴但并未跌破时,随后回归0轴,这往往是一个买入的信号。 九、120线多头,逢低买入 当120日线呈现多头排列,且趋势线向上拐头时,是逢低买入的良机。这样的策略在市场中屡试不爽。 十、小阳连涨,主力吸筹 连续出现小阳线的币种,往往代表主力正在暗中搜集筹码。这样的币种值得投资者密切关注。 如果你一直亏损不知道怎么做,来和我一起布局百倍币吧!看我介绍!!$BTC $ETH $PEOPLE
新手在数字货币投资中常会遇到的一个典型误区,就是过于关注那些价格起伏不定的山寨币,而忽略了真正的市场领导者——龙头币。 1: 新手之所以会踏入这样的误区,首要原因是缺乏深入的市场洞察力和经验。他们可能难以准确评估哪些币种背后有强大的技术支撑和市场前景。再者,他们往往容易受到市场短期波动和一些夸大的宣传所影响,过于追求快速收益,从而忽视了潜在的风险。 2: 然而,真正的投资机遇往往隐藏在那些经过时间考验、技术成熟且市场认可度高的龙头币中。如果你能够选择并持有那些在此轮牛市中表现突出的龙头币,让你的资产实现数倍的增值,并在适当的时机变现以购置其他资产,那么你确实抓住了投资的大机遇。 3: 当然,我们并不是说其他币种就没有投资的价值。但在选择时,我们需要更加审慎和理性。作为投资者,我们应该保持冷静的头脑,不被市场的短期波动所左右,坚持长期投资的原则,选择那些具有强大抗跌能力和市场潜力的币种。 4: 投资既需要敏锐的洞察力,也需要一定的运气。在这个瞬息万变的市场中,希望每一位投资者都能够找到属于自己的成功之路,实现财富的稳健增长。 如果你一直亏损不知道怎么做,和我一起布局百倍币!请看我介绍!!#美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #欧洲杯开赛 $BTC
当前阶段,BTC币价一枝独秀,而其他币种则显得沉寂如熊市,市场内竞争激烈。 新币虽然层出不穷,但缺乏像UNI、DOT那样的市场引擎。ORDI作为近期的新星,其持续表现还有待观察,而其他许多新币则在上市后便迎来巅峰,随后的解锁派发进一步削弱了市场的流动性。 对于在22年至23年间,以15000至30000成本区间持有BTC并配置了一定山寨币的投资者,你们无需过度担忧。牛市仍在继续,经过市场的筛选,你手中的山寨币质量已可见一斑。现在,是时候优化你的持仓结构,选择更具潜力的山寨品种。 而对于在23年末至24年初,以40000至50000成本区间进入BTC市场的投资者,你们也不必过于焦虑。投资市场总有起伏,重要的是调整心态,根据自己的风险承受能力合理配置资产,进行持仓优化。 对于那些在BTC高位追涨或满手山寨币的投资者,你们在过去的一段时间里可能遭受了损失。但这也是一个反思的机会,审视自己的投资策略和性格,避免重蹈覆辙。 我为你们列举几个常见的错误操作,以便大家引以为戒: 盲目追求高倍杠杆合约,不顾风险,这是赌博心态,需要戒除。 对已经涨幅巨大的山寨币抱有幻想,认为还能继续翻倍,这是贪婪心理,需要克制。 在市场恐慌时盲目做空,认为币价将归零,这是恐惧心理,需要克服。 我想说的是,尽管当前市场走势可能延长牛市,但投资者仍需保持警惕,不要轻言放弃。通过优化持仓和调整策略,我们有望在接下来的市场中取得更好的收益。 如果我的观点对你有所启发,请不吝评论、点赞和转发。祝你在投资路上一帆风顺,财源滚滚! 如果你不知道接下来该怎么布局,不知道该买什么币,迷茫,你可以通过查看我的主页简介,我会无偿分享更多相关的信息和交流机会。$BTC $ETH $PEOPLE

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