People should pay attention to moral cultivation and good behavior. Every family carries its own destiny and responsibility. If a person desires success and progress, he must first pay off the accumulated karmic debt of the family.

The debt here does not refer to money, but an accumulation of cause and effect. Personal efforts can not only bring blessings to oneself, but also leave a valuable legacy for future generations. This is a universal and natural law.

On the contrary, if a person lacks effort and is too lazy, his negative impact will also affect future generations. Some people disagree with this and think that "children and grandchildren have their own blessings", but this is not the case. An excellent family often requires a good family tradition and hard work accumulation of several generations.

Some people indulge themselves and behave improperly in this generation, causing the family to bear a heavy karmic debt. Even if there are knowledgeable people in the future generations, it is difficult to get rid of this negative impact, it is difficult to change the fate of the family, and they fall into difficulties and suffer from bad luck.

To break this situation, it is necessary to form strict rules within the family and rectify those bad behaviors and habits. Only when all family members abide by the rules and work together can the family move towards prosperity and success. Any one person's bad behavior may become a stumbling block for the family and hinder the progress of the entire family.

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