The so-called "strategy" in the market is actually a carefully designed game.

When the public chooses to hold their coins and wait and see, and is unwilling to enter the market easily, the market manipulators will slowly and gradually increase the price, as steady as a snail, until the increase is attractive, making people excited and eager to try.

At this moment, the market sentiment was quietly awakened, and the activity instantly rose, just like water heated to boiling, people could not hold themselves back, rushed in, and competed to buy.

But just as the public was immersed in the frenzy of buying, an unpredictable storm was quietly brewing. In just a few days, the market direction suddenly changed, and the fierce downward action came unexpectedly, catching people off guard.

In the face of such a market strategy, only by learning to think in reverse can you gain a firm foothold.

In the currency circle, experienced investors are well aware of the unpredictable market. They know how to stay calm and have insight into opportunities, so that they can win in this currency circle full of variables.

In the currency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will see more 100x coins appear. I will announce the next 100x potential coin among my 10,000 followers! It’s better to seize the opportunity than to guess blindly!