$SUI Sui is a Layer 1 dark horse that I am very bullish on. It has not received a lot of attention from influencers compared to Pepe and Ondo. Its price performance is in sync with Aptos and Sei. However, Sui is much better than these alternatives. I have spent a lot of time in different ecosystems and I like several unique attributes of Sui.

The backers behind Sui are former Facebook employees who worked on the Diem stablecoin project. This gives them a competitive advantage in creating an ecosystem that combines the convenience of Web2 with Web3.

The user experience is great. I like that when exchanging Sui, I don’t have to make a separate permissioned transaction or perform another transaction on a decentralized application. With just one click, my transaction is completed.

They are constantly updating the SUI ecosystem (almost daily), some of which include a testnet for potential upgrades to make Sui the fastest blockchain to achieve finalization, and they recently announced a total value locked on the chain of $750 million.

Raoul Pal is a member of the Sui Foundation. Everything he touches is well done. Although Sui is very cheap, I am glad that I can now buy it for less than $1 and earn 20-40% annual interest by lending it and working with Sui. I hope these returns will increase as Sui prices rise.

#美联储利率决策即将公布 #币安用户数突破2亿

If you want to do something easier, you must learn to study the ecological development and construction of a coin, and now is a bull market!

If you are confused now, you can come to me actively, and the villagers will try their best to help you. I can't guarantee how much you will earn, but at least it can help you avoid detours.