- In February 2023, world gold price is more than 1870$/Ounce

- At the end of the 2014 trading session, the gold price was 1,175 USD, but the domestic gold price reached 30.12 million/tael.

Every decade and 10 years, we see that there are things that are almost constant, only increasing but not decreasing, which makes Gold always go up and not down:

- The amount of gold mined is not as much as the amount purchased

- The amount of gold consumed in the economy is increasing day by day, increasing without decreasing, while the amount of exploitation increases and decreases, for example, gold is used in jewelry, microchip production, industry, decoration, and even food. eat..

- Before Russia had a war with the UK, they imported a huge amount of gold into their reserves, followed by more than 10 sanctions from the West, and the market received the result of high inflation and increased money supply. out into society, more than the amount of Gold available, and the price of gold increases

- Covid broke out, America also threw a huge amount of money, exported inflation to the whole world, domestic gold price increased from 42 million to 80 million/tael, after 10 years domestic gold increased 2.2 times.

- Recently, statistics from the world's gold funds show that China is actively importing a huge amount of gold from Switzerland, increasing its hoarding unprecedentedly in China's history. Experts are sure that China will soon do this. Something big in the future

In general, over the long term, purchasing power only increases but does not decrease, while supply is always insufficient.

The context of 2024 is that interest rates will not increase but will cool down. The Central Bank of Canada has just officially reduced interest rates by 25 points after 4 years, and next will be the European Bank, then the FED will reduce interest rates. Please wait and see if it's correct.

For those who borrow from the Bank to buy a house, you will notice that the Bank's preferential interest rate is set for 1-2 years of fixed interest, and is quite low, but after 2 years, the floating interest rate increases by 3.5%, which is less. First, why 2 years??

Because the Bank itself also realized that in the 2 years 24-25 there will be 2 years of increasing money supply, increasing credit, and spreading money, but after 2025 it will be different, a tightening cycle will have to happen.

When this cycle comes, it is often accompanied by a downturn in the economy, an increase in unemployment, people have difficulty repaying debt, and interest rates increase again, so assets will attract to one place again. .

So given the above scenario, Gold is still a good storage channel for the next 2 years.

Actually, I personally think that it doesn't take 2 years, in just 6 months, gold prices will still increase strongly, especially domestic prices.

Because the domestic gold price in Sjc is at a high deviation from the price of gold rings, this price increase attracts the crowd and even private individuals to hoard fomo into speculation, the government is forced to pull this price down at all costs, it cannot increase. Avoid crowd psychology and foreign currency loss

So the price of Sjc must definitely be pulled quite close to the price of gold rings. Anyone who buys Sjc at this time will be unloaded.... at the same time, the buyer must also declare and control the purchasing power, who are you, are you a private investor? Opportunity to hoard while the government is trying to sell to stabilize?

In the next 3-6 months, when the price of Sjc gold is pulled closer to the price of gold rings, and the supply of Sjc soon will not be enough, people will flock to buy gold rings (because the two prices do not differ much, the supply is enough. response), this has been a floating source of gold in the private market for many years, at that time the price of gold rings will increase or even be close to or equal to Sjc.

In addition, the state is forced to keep the Sjc Gold brand, because it is the national gold brand, so there will soon be a law allowing other businesses to import and create Sjc for sale, meeting strong demand from the market.

On the other hand, world gold will increase according to the political direction of the US, China-Taiwan, Russia-UK, Israel.... Not to mention the US government is buying back private bond debt, from public debt sources.

Chart Gold D1 according to the golden ratio, the test will reach wave 3, at Fibo 1,618 = $2,537, at which time the domestic gold price will only increase and not decrease.

For gold players, Gold capital is not for those who surf, must have a methodical investment plan, long-term plan. Currently, this Plan is also running behind the Plan including ETH from 1k7 and 2k4.

Let's wait for the results in the next 6 months.

"Life answers each other with results - Wealth is a process, poverty always has its reasons"