The number of AI unicorns in the world has increased to 37, with China adding 5 in one year

Funds are pouring into AI startups. As of the end of April, the number of "unicorns" (unlisted companies with a valuation of more than $1 billion) in related fields reached 37, doubling in the past year. The trend of targeting new generation potential technologies is pushing up corporate valuations. As of the end of April 2023, US companies accounted for 90% of AI unicorns, but among the 17 companies that became unicorns in the past year, 10 have established their main bases outside the United States.

Five AI unicorns have been born in China in the past year. Including Dark Side of the Moon, MiniMax, Zero One Everything, Baichuan Intelligence and Zhipu AI. Among the 17 companies that became unicorns in the past year, Nvidia invested in seven companies including Cohere, and Alphabet invested in four companies including Runway, which is involved in video generation. All five AI unicorns from China have received investment from Alibaba Group. #AI板块 #BTC