Telegram, abbreviated as TG, is also called Telegram or Paper Airplane among Chinese users. It is an encrypted instant messaging software similar to WeChat, WhatsApp and QQ. So how to register and use Telegram?

Telegram is an instant messaging application with more than 500 million users, created by the Durov brothers in Russia. It was released in 2013 and became one of the first communication applications to use end-to-end encryption, and has been widely regarded as one of the most secure chat applications. Unlike QQ and WeChat, Telegram uses multiple layers of encryption technology to protect users' chat records, files, communications, and personal information. This means that even if it is attacked by hackers or monitored by government agencies, it is difficult to break through Telegram's encryption protection.

Unlike other chat apps, Telegram also offers some useful features. For example, you can create channels, groups, and super groups to chat and share with hundreds or even thousands of members. Super groups support up to 200,000 members, making it a powerful tool for social media promotion and business marketing. In addition, Telegram also supports audio and video calls, multi-device synchronization, file transfer and other functions.

Telegram has some other features that make it a unique app. For example, it can recall sent messages, lock chats to prevent others from entering, create self-destructing chat windows, etc. These features provide users with better privacy protection and a better chatting experience.

Since Telegram is open to global users, many people use Telegram to communicate and exchange sensitive information. Therefore, in order to purify the domestic network environment, the domestic firewall blocks Telegram's servers. If users in mainland China want to use Telegram, they need to go online scientifically.

Telegram provides clients for multiple platforms, including mobile version (Android, iOS, Windows Phone), desktop version (Windows, macOS, Linux) and web version. It should be reminded that the official website of Telegram is, not .com.

Since Telegram is open source, there are some versions developed by third parties on the Internet. However, these versions may be risky or contain advertisements. It is recommended to download them from the official website.

After downloading, you can register by following these steps:

1. Open the Telegram app and enter your mobile number

2. After receiving the SMS verification code, enter the verification code and set a password

3. Edit profile, add contacts, join channels and groups, send messages, and more.

Theoretically, you can register using a domestic +86 phone number, but it is not recommended. First, it protects privacy, and second, Telegram has officially blacklisted +86 phone number users. New registered users will be directly defined as spam users and cannot have private or encrypted conversations. It is recommended to use a Google Voice number, or download a virtual number app like Dingtone to get a foreign number for registration.

Telegram is registered with a phone number. By default, your phone number is displayed to Telegram friends. For security reasons, it is recommended to hide your phone number. The setting method is as follows: Settings > Privacy and Security > Phone Number, set the permission to "My contacts" or "Nobody".

Telegram does not encrypt conversations by default. If you need to encrypt conversations, you need to turn it on manually. To set it up, click on the contact, then click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the dialog box, and then select "Start Secret Chat".

How to get a Dingtone virtual number?

Dingtone users can purchase multiple Dingtone numbers.

1. Download Dingtone from Google Play or Apple Store

2. Open Dingtone

3. Click the "Connect" button and "Get Your First Phone Number" at the bottom of Dingtone.

4. Select the country code and region code

5. Select payment number

Note: To get a Dingtone number for free, you can pay with Dingtone Credits earned by completing tasks in the App. Get a Dingtone number now

How to use Telegram?

Telegram is a feature-rich, secure and reliable chat application that provides many practical features and strong privacy protection, allowing users to communicate and share with peace of mind in the online world. Whether chatting with friends, business exchanges, receiving entertainment content, or participating in public chats and communities, Telegram can meet your needs.

Add contacts: In Telegram, you can add contacts and start a chat. You can enter their username or mobile number, or scan a QR code to add a contact. In the chat, you can send text messages, photos, videos, audio, files, etc.

Create groups and channels: You can create your own groups and channels, invite others to join and share information and content. Groups and channels are an effective way to organize and manage information.

Join public chat rooms and groups: You can join public chat rooms and groups created by other users to share and discuss various topics with other users.

Customize the app: Telegram allows users to customize its appearance and functionality, such as changing themes, fonts, backgrounds, etc.

Privacy protection: Telegram is a secure and reliable chat application that provides strong encryption and privacy protection features. For example, you can enable the self-destructing message function, set a chat room password, or choose not to allow other users to save sent photos and videos.

Multi-device synchronization: Telegram allows the use of the same account on multiple devices, and can synchronize chat history and contacts. #BTC