First, Bitcoin has surpassed the price of the previous bull market, which is a sign that the bull market has begun.

Second, the Jiushen Index is above 10, the AHR999X index is below 0.2, and the Jiangzhuoer 60-day consecutive increase index is above 80%. These are basically bull tops.

Third, the daily K-line price of Bitcoin and Ethereum deviated from the 60-day moving average by more than 30%, and the 60-day moving average continued to rise. This shows that people who entered the market at different time periods have made profits.

Fourth, the 30-day, 60-day, 120-day and 200-day moving averages are dispersed, indicating that the chips are not concentrated and distribution has begun. Everyone is making money, which is very dangerous.

Fifth, the exchanges have a constant stream of activities, with basically 1-2 activities a month. Project owners are launching projects while they have money in an effort to sell them at a good price.

6. Your circle of friends is full of people showing off their earnings, and your group is full of myths about getting rich quickly. You have also made some money, and you are excited and want to get rich like them.

7. The market value of Bitcoin has dropped to about 30%, because the market value of altcoins has risen to hundreds of billions, which is dangerous at this time.

8. The transaction volume is very high, and the transaction volume can reach hundreds of billions of US dollars a day.

9. The Ethereum Foundation began to sell coins frequently, and their wallet assets began to be sold on exchanges.

10. There is constant good news in the market, one after another, there are endless stories to tell, and each story is different.

Compare it with the current market and feel for yourself where the market is at, is it a bear market or a bull market? If it is a bull market, what stage has it reached?

My own opinion is that it is definitely not a bear market now, and we have already entered the rhythm of a bull market. This is my feeling after several rounds. Of course, this may be wrong. I am just expressing my own feelings.

But a bull market doesn’t mean you can make money. Many people don’t lose a lot of money in a bear market, but I have seen many people go bankrupt 80% or even 90% of the time in a violent bull market.

This market is best at magnifying human weaknesses and greed

The first thing you need to learn when you come to the cryptocurrency world is to learn to think independently. Don’t listen to what people on the Internet say, otherwise it will be difficult for you to make money.

Feel the market sentiment yourself. What others teach you, including what I say, is just our experience.

The feelings you get, or your own emotional indicators, are the key to your decision-making

Share some of my experiences

Regardless of whether it is a bull or bear market, what is the most important thing in the market? Liquidity. The ebb and flow of the tide is an objective law. Only by following the law can you make money with a high probability, and this is the realization of cognition. Why do we say that there is a high probability of making money, rather than a certainty of making money? Because there is also the complexity of human nature. If human nature is too greedy, it will definitely backfire. If human nature is not greedy, you can't make money. Only in the middle of the normal distribution can you make money for a long time.

Therefore, it is very important to judge the logic of buying or selling. If you just think without logic, the subsequent buying and selling will be erratic and easy to make mistakes. You don’t know why you are right or wrong! If you have the judgment logic at the beginning and the logic of holding or giving up in the middle, you can summarize the experience of right and wrong, so as to improve the accuracy of the next action, instead of just fantasizing and making unnecessary regrets and reflections!

My market experience over the years has taught me that you can’t achieve long-term profits by gambling, and you can’t make orders decisively by guessing. Only by properly controlling the trend can you avoid the large fluctuations in your mentality caused by some uncertain factors, which can lead to some strategic investment mistakes. The gains and losses of a city or a pond are not a big deal. The key is to look at the gains and losses of the overall situation.

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