Continuing with yesterday's topic, in fact, adjusting your work and rest schedule is not only for health, but also for making more money. Have you ever found that when you look at a project, you don't observe because you don't rest well?

I found that alpha requires energy. If you don't have enough energy when observing new things, you will feel tired and lazy. You don't want to care or pay attention. Just keep the original state stable. Why rush?

But if you have enough energy, your sensitivity will be improved. Here, it's not just about energy, but also a kind of mental strength.

I think that although this year is a bull market, the first half of the year does not seem to be as exciting as last year. Last year, many new things (new plates) emerged, but this year it feels mediocre. #第55期新币挖矿IO #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来?