Canada and the European Central Bank have cut interest rates, is the United States far behind?

The bull has seen red, and we will soon see its power and madness

The current major mainstream narratives are all landing or on the way to landing

The ETFs of BTC and ETH in the United States have been successfully passed, allowing Wall Street to officially enter the game

Hong Kong, Australia, Thailand and other countries have passed ETFs, gradually forming a wave sweeping the world

The halving of BTC has been completed, increasing the imbalance between supply and demand and raising the actual value of Bitcoin

The crises of Binance and FTX have been perfectly resolved, and the mines in Mentougou will also be cleared this year, reducing the risk of encryption

The Canadian and European Central Banks fired the first shot of global interest rate cuts, and the United States expects that market liquidity will increase by the end of the year

The pressure of the US election has begun to affect the government, and it has compromised with encryption for votes and formulated more relaxed laws and policies

Therefore, it is not just that encryption wants to fly, but the macro trend forces encryption to fly

The essence of finance follows a law, if there is more money, it will rise, and if there is less money, it will fall

As long as the wind is strong enough, pigs can be blown away

The secret of wealth growth is nothing more than that you can stand in the right team every time the financial world version is updated

Multi-army assembly...

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