In the surging tide of digital currency, currency circle contract trading is undoubtedly a highly watched field. It has attracted the attention of countless investors with its high leverage, high risk and high return characteristics. However, the shadow of liquidation always accompanies this market, so why are there so many people who are happy to participate in it?

1. The temptation of high leverage

Imagine that you have a job with a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan, and you work hard for a year, and your income is only 120,000 yuan. But in the currency circle contract, you only need to invest 10,000 yuan in principal, and through 100 times leverage, you can magnify your profit potential to an astonishing degree. As long as the market fluctuates by 1%, you can earn 10,000 yuan; if it fluctuates by 10%, then a year's salary will be in hand in a few minutes. This temptation is undoubtedly irresistible for many people.

2. The attraction of the myth of getting rich overnight

In the currency circle, we often hear stories of getting rich overnight. The protagonists in these stories often accumulate huge wealth in a short period of time through contract trading. This successful case undoubtedly provides strong psychological support for those who are eager to get rich quickly. They believe that they are also capable of becoming the next lucky person, so they are willing to take a risk.

3. Ignoring risks (Strategy page introduction)

However, high returns are often accompanied by high risks. In the currency circle contract trading, liquidation is a topic that cannot be avoided. Many investors often ignore the existence of risks while pursuing high returns. They believe that they can accurately judge the market trend and stop losses in time at critical moments. But in fact, market fluctuations often exceed their expectations, leading them to face the dilemma of liquidation in the end.

4. The challenge of psychological game

In the currency circle contract trading, investors not only have to face market fluctuations, but also their inner fear and greed. When the market rises, they often hope to continue to hold the contract to obtain higher returns; when the market falls, they often choose to cut meat and leave the market because of fear of losses. This challenge of psychological game has caused many investors to lose their way in trading.

5. The importance of rational investment

Although the currency circle contract trading has great appeal, we cannot ignore the risks.When participating in contract trading, investors should maintain rational thinking and fully understand market trends and risks. At the same time, they should also formulate reasonable investment strategies and stop-loss plans to deal with various situations that may arise in the market.

VI. Summary and reflection

Coin circle contract trading is a field full of opportunities and challenges. It has attracted the attention of countless investors with its high leverage, high risk and high return characteristics. However, it is not easy to succeed in this market. Investors need to fully understand the market situation, formulate reasonable investment strategies and maintain rational thinking. Only in this way can they be invincible in this market full of variables.

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