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🏂IO.NET is on Binance launchpool Mixed feelings From a fundamental point of view, it does have the potential to become one of the top three AI, and it can compete with rndr for GPU computing power But the project owner is a bit disgusting. An outrageous witch rule killed more than 500,000 of Galaxy's 580,000 KYC users, and the efforts were in vain It's also good to use it to rush the opening and take over I've written so many articles Well, if you pull the market well, it also proves that your vision is correct I hope you don't know what's good for you.

🏂IO.NET is on Binance launchpool

Mixed feelings

From a fundamental point of view, it does have the potential to become one of the top three AI, and it can compete with rndr for GPU computing power

But the project owner is a bit disgusting. An outrageous witch rule killed more than 500,000 of Galaxy's 580,000 KYC users, and the efforts were in vain

It's also good to use it to rush the opening and take over

I've written so many articles

Well, if you pull the market well, it also proves that your vision is correct

I hope you don't know what's good for you.

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🏄‍♂️IO创始人大胡子跟DWF高管面基,做市商是锁定了 可以啊,想不到大胡子浓眉大眼还有这么一手,币安+DWF这下有的玩了 很多人不懂为什么币安+DWF这个组合的意义 简单点说,这是把一个代币的流动性拉满了, 上所以后会有极大的波动性 币安作为全球最大的交易所,参与买卖的人最多,交易量极大 而DWF这个做市商的操盘风格就是大开大合,善于通过买卖调动流动性让市场high起来 一个负责提供流动性,一个负责调动流动性,加上IO自身的基本面,行情势必不会平淡 这轮牛市是互不接盘,山寨市场死气沉沉,很多项目经常走出一条直线 关于做市商,我给他们的概括就是引导市场产生波动性的鲶鱼 但是不同性格的鲶鱼,操盘手法也不同 有的做市商的风格就是,涨3个点 ,跌2个点,在底部装死几年,然后启动了翻个倍都要命 有的做市商的风格就很激进,洗盘的时候腰斩再腰斩都是基操,但是拉盘的时候真的几倍就上去了 DWF就是后者,它做市的项目只要项目本身不出问题,磨完人以后都会有巨大的泵 都不是为了跟项目谈恋爱 根本目的还是为了赚钱,不怕项目跌的狠,就怕项目涨不动 DWF的做市风格,就暗合大家的追求[吃瓜] 最近几个热度很高的项目就是他们在操盘 $NOT,7天拉6倍 $Jasmy,3个月10倍 $TON,2.5拉到7.5(别忘了它市值前十) $GALA,1个月4倍 应该都希望买到这种项目,而不是那种稳如泰山,一倍涨幅能拉半年的

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