Let me tell you first, if you are a person who thinks that if you invest 100 yuan today, you will get rich tomorrow and make 10,000 yuan or 100,000 yuan, this is really not suitable for you.

The most realistic problem in the cryptocurrency world is that this should be the only chance for most of us ordinary people to achieve overtaking in life. This is the opportunity given to us by the times. Now all industries and tracks have been monopolized by capital giants. If you want to rely on technology and your brain to leverage greater wealth opportunities, the possibility is very, very low. So choice is more important than hard work. If you get up and work every day, it will not make you rich, but only make you satisfied with food and clothing.

What we do is to make big from small, and the cryptocurrency world gives us this opportunity. I personally think that, well, the cryptocurrency world is the last chance for us poor people, so friends who want to make money must seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This may be the only chance for ordinary people like us to change our lives, and it may be fleeting. How can it not be expensive to hang out in the cryptocurrency world often? There are so many opportunities to get rich in the cryptocurrency world. Of course, there are also many traps, especially there are too many bigwigs in the cryptocurrency world. Naturally, there is competition everywhere, and there are many stories of getting rich quickly. Last year, Binance single-handedly challenged the FTX incident, which also killed many senior bigwigs. For example, Comrade Curly, a genius born in the 1990s, died heroically. Newcomers, especially those whose hair has not grown out yet, simply don't understand. .

The group of people who just entered the industry, after seeing the successful counterattack cases of losers on TV or APP, feel that they are the protagonists of the story. Imagine if I enter the game with 100 yuan, at least I can add more later. Add a few zeros, such as the one below, 30,000 yuan a month can become 15 million yuan. Is it possible? Is reality more realistic? If you have ever moved bricks on a construction site, you will know that this is complete nonsense.

If you believe in movies, novels, and screenshots, they are actually no different from those little cuties. If you, an ordinary person, want to get rich in the currency circle, it is really very, very difficult. Even if you are Sun Wukong descending to the earth, if you encounter a sickle, you have to stretch your neck and let them cut you. A very popular movie "Kuang Qiang", Gao Qiqiang's words only live in the TV series, but in reality, you have to kneel when you should kneel. Well, old friends all know. In my opinion, except for the royal way of collecting coins in the currency circle, everything else is crooked. It's just a matter of time before you hiccup. Ordinary people, we can smoke one less pack of cigarettes a month, bring some spare money, and hoard coins with the army. When you meet someone engaged in contract trading on the way to hoarding coins, just tell him to leave. When you meet someone who is engaged in private placement, tell him to leave. When you see someone engaged in short-term trading, tell him to leave. In addition to hoarding coins, you talk to me, everything else is rogue behavior.

So how to hoard coins in the currency circle? If you are a novice, just look for Bitcoin when you meet a boss. Don't listen to other people's nonsense. This is a hundred-fold coin, and it will be a ten-thousand-fold coin in the future. These things are things that can kill you. Of course, if you want to develop in the currency circle for a long time, you must go to the cottage later, and then invest most of your funds in the cottage currency. How to choose the cottage, how to layout your assets? When to open a position? When to exit the warehouse? If you have enough funds, what should you do? If you have very little funds, how do you operate? In short, in the currency circle, ordinary people want to make money, just hoard coins.

Indeed, there are people outside the world. There is a little friend who built a house by himself, earned more than 2000W, and entered the B circle. Then he came to ask specifically, what coins to buy and how to invest? What coins should I hoard? If you are a newcomer, just look for big cakes. Believe me, if you hold big cakes today, you will not be able to eat them all tomorrow. If you want a little excitement, it is recommended to get some altcoins, but the proportion of cakes must be the highest, because it can save you from death at a critical moment. Choosing a cottage is also a test of experience and market awareness. If you can't do it, I suggest you give up. Then many friends may ask, after I buy it, when should I sell it? Before discussing this issue, let's think about it carefully. Have you ever seen smoke coming out of your ancestral grave? In other words, have your ancestors had prime ministers and generals? In other words, have your ancestors ever kicked Ultraman and beaten Sun Wukong? If not, it means that you don't have good ancestors to bless you to make a fortune in the currency circle.

You need to get rid of the idea that I can buy at the bottom, buy at the bottom price, and sell the currency at the highest price. If you can complete your position in a bear market, you can outperform 99% of people. The premise is that the coin you buy will not return to zero. In other words, buy in a bear market, sell in a bull market, and sell at any time. The most scientific way is to first buy 40% at the price in your mind, and then add positions on dips to reduce costs, buy big when it falls, buy small when it falls, and buy when it falls. The price falls sharply. Maybe someone will say that if it goes up, you don’t have to buy it, and you won’t lose money. Anyway, we still have 40% of the bottom position, what else is there to worry about? When the bull market comes, we can sell it.

Selling is the same as buying. We all need to place orders in batches, 40% of the psychological price, and the rest will be sold slowly. There may be recognition, and some people will ask, when will the bull market start? Don't worry, when the time comes, those news media will tell you that there will be overwhelming news, such as how much Bitcoin has broken through, setting a new record, etc. Next, I will give some suggestions and opinions to some new friends.

My own seven iron rules for hoarding coins. The first is fixed-amount investment. Holding currency is king. Fixed-amount investment cannot be added indefinitely. Why is there a quota? Many people like to gamble directly as soon as they get on the bus, especially when the market plummets. We must prohibit this kind of gambling behavior. The reason is simple. There is no shortage of opportunities in the market. All we have to do is to take a longer-term view and cultivate ourselves. Only by maintaining a systematic mentality can we work together with the market. Our ultimate goal is to become a regular army, not a land grabber, let alone a bandit gangster. You must remember that your position is an investor, not a speculator.

The second is mentality. First, according to your own funds and thinking, choose some currencies, buy and go, never look back, let alone think that I can buy at the bottom, and don't think about paying attention to the market every day. . What we need to do is to see more and understand more. Only by seeing more and learning more can we make more. The third is to perfect the configuration. Don't take this position too seriously. It will bloom completely. It cannot be unified according to your own preferences. No coin deserves our attention so much. In addition to Bitcoin, we pay slightly more attention to the layout in all areas. Full bloom. There is no east. Bright west. As for which currency we choose, my personal suggestion is that you choose the leader. The leader of each track can be based on your own preferences. You can choose, such as AI, privacy, storage, etc. We will cover all aspects. You can choose it as you like. The fourth is that after making a profit, the principal must be repaid first. In this way, we can ensure that our principal will not be lost. Well, don't hesitate when making a profit. Then the fifth is to hold the currency as the king and adhere to multiple values. You don't have to hold all the coins that have not appreciated. You can freely match them according to your own strength. But if you choose, don't hesitate or regret it. We are determined. Hold it. The sixth is not to chase the rise and fall. When you really can't help it, don't look at the market or the news. We can just uninstall the software. The best mentality for cryptocurrency traders is to buy and leave, and then wait patiently. Seventh, risk control. We must be in awe of this investment and be cautious when investing. In the investment circle with spare money, never borrow money to invest. Short-term profits are difficult to obtain. Of course, we can't gamble. Well, the so-called working in the fields when you lose is just empty talk. Finally, I wish everyone in the cryptocurrency circle can get rich in 2024.
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