The long-awaited bull market will come to us. There is nothing wrong with this statement. After all, the adjustment cycle is a bit long. After all, it is below 3,000 points. After all, everyone is optimistic about the future. After all, everyone likes to say good things and must like to hear lies. I said there will be no bull market in the future. Does anyone believe it?

This is not something else. This is the money earned by hard work. You must take it seriously, tell the truth, and understand the market to have a real say. It is not ruled out that there will be a bull market in the future, but it is definitely not now. When you expect a bull market, the market trend is opposite to what most people predict. When everyone is looking forward to a bull market, the market trend will never change according to personal will.

The market must have a large amplitude at the bottom. If there is no large amplitude, there will be no bull market in the market. And now there are still many people who are expecting a bull market. Every time the market starts at a low level, it must strangle a group of leeks who are optimistic about the future market to achieve a perfect turnaround.

Now the timing is far from mature, and there are a lot of leeks who are optimistic about the future market, so the reason for the future bull market is invalid. In order to cope with the huge amplitude at the bottom of the market, maintain composure and sufficient patience, and the position should not be too heavy, preferably below 50%. This combination of states can effectively avoid the shock of the market at the bottom, and will not miss the opportunity.

Novices are wrong in ignorance, and veterans are wrong in bottom-fishing. It is the same law every time, and the same routine is repeated every time. When veterans are collectively bearish, when veterans are no longer able to bottom-fish, when veterans no longer have the courage to be optimistic about the future market, when veterans are silent, the market may officially start the road to rise.

It is still a long way from a bull market now, because the veterans are still expecting the market to get better in the future, and there are still a large number of veterans who think they are smart and are still looking forward to a bull market. Although there will be no trend of rising prices in the future, there will not be a continuous adjustment. The shock consolidation, pulling back and sawing, and exchanging time for space will take some time, slowly consuming the strength of the bulls, slowly consuming the bullish desire, and smoothing out the edges to achieve a perfect turnaround.#以太坊ETF批准预期 $BTC