Yesterday, the public tip was that the low point of 60500 rose by more than 1200 points. The bullish expectations have been perfectly fulfilled. Today, we still maintain the previous direction guidance and continue to be bullish.

After climbing all the way to 71000 in the early stage, Bitcoin was under pressure and then entered consolidation. Yesterday, it was running around the range of 70500-71500. Last night, the price ushered in a wave of pull-ups to 71800. The current trend is still relatively strong, and a new round of rises has appeared again.

In the daily structure, it is also what we call bottoming out and rebounding. The price of the currency has risen strongly with three consecutive real positive lines. There is no doubt that the bulls will continue. At the same time, the 4-hour chart is dominated by positive K upwards, and the strength of the negative line retracement is slightly adjusted, and there is not much room for adjustment, indicating that the short-term trend of the bulls is still very strong, so under this structure, the retracement is an opportunity to follow more.

Thursday morning operation suggestions:

Bitcoin: Short-term retracement to 70300-70800 area is bullish, look at 72000-73000, after the rebound is confirmed, consider shorting!

Ether: Just follow the same thinking, hold the position well, and take good defense! #BTC走势分析 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #MegadropLista