#山寨季何时到来? #bnb历史新高

There is no shortage of opportunities in the cryptocurrency circle, but you have to be in the right circle.

Here is a summary of the recent performance for brothers:

front, recommended to everyone on the 28th, the price is 1.26, this code is also given to everyone by Ang Ge, and then front rose to 1.78, a 40% increase

ordi: spot recommended on the 29th, recommended price 41, current price 56, a 40% increase soon

people: recommended to everyone on the 31st, recommended price 0.079, current price 0.10, highest 0.144, 80% increase nearly doubled, ranked first in the increase list, contract single 700% above the profit

ena, the same as recommended on the 31st, recommended price 0.88, yesterday's highest 1.08, 20% increase, 20x contract easily 200% profit

raca, recommended on Monday, recommended price in the range of 0.00028-0.00027, with a 15% increase on the same day. Ang also made this clear to everyone, but because it is on OKX, many brothers did not follow up, which is a pity.

There is never a lack of opportunities in the currency circle. As long as you can grasp it, the copycat season is coming. If you don’t know what to buy, you can come and operate with Ang~