Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum trends in the early morning:

Bread pulled back during the day, and rose strongly at night to break through the daily sideways pressure level of 69600. Now it has reached the previous high of the previous wave of daily lines, 70720, near the pressure level. Pay attention to this position in the early morning. If it breaks through this position, it will continue to rise. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level of 71750-72140-72890.

If it can't go up and step back in the early morning, pay attention to the lower positions of 69760-69310-68820. It is still mainly long on pullbacks! #BTC走势分析 $BTC

Ether stepped back to the first support level of 3750 in the afternoon and began to rise. It is still weaker than Bread. Pay attention to the position of 3790 in the early morning. As long as it does not fall below this position, it will continue to rise. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level of 3848-3905-3938.

If it falls below 3791 in the early morning, the 4-hour market will return to the sideways zone. If it falls back, pay attention to the positions below 3771-3750-3721! #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH