【2024.6.19 BTC/ETH intraday market analysis】

Good afternoon, brothers. Today, after falling for several days in a row, it finally rebounded today. Do you remember the content of the speech on the 11th of this month? At that time, it was said that the bitcoin spot was around 64000 and the Ethereum spot was around 3355. Unfortunately, the lowest bitcoin spot was 64060, and Ethereum was just 3355. I have been placing orders for bitcoin spot at 64050 for a week and have not received any. My thighs are already swollen!

The support point has been given to everyone in advance. If the brothers who play contracts place orders according to this point, they will not only receive the benefits, but also get numb!

This week's deduction of bitcoin is given to 64050 Ethereum 3363. This position is the first support level of the monthly line. When it reaches the large-scale support level, it will rebound to some extent. There is no rise without fall and no fall without rise.

When everyone is afraid and afraid, it is the time when the decline is about to end. Do you dare to buy? Can you buy? This requires courage and courage. Place orders in advance and don't watch. If you keep watching and falling, you will be controlled by fear!

Today's market analysis:

$BTC is rebounding at the current 1/2 hour level. Pay attention to the position of 65450 today. If the 4-hour closing line today stands above this position, the 1/2 hour level starts to rise and the 4-hour rebound begins, it means that the rebound is very strong. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level near 65815-66530-67060.

If it does not stand above 65450 today, it will still rebound at a small level. If it falls, pay attention to the support level below 65040-64780-64400. #BTC走势预测

$ETH The rebound is very strong with the support of ETF. At the moment, the 1/2 hour level is bullish and the 4-hour rebound is strong. Pay attention to the position of 3560 today. If the daily line closes above this position today, the 4-hour level will start to rise and the daily line will turn bullish, which means that the rise is very strong. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level near 3610-3655-3688.

If it does not stand above 3560 today, it will still rebound at a small level. If it falls back, pay attention to the support level below 3524-3480-3453. #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥