Bitcoin, market analysis and operation suggestions at noon on Tuesday!

From the short-term trend of Bitcoin, it can be seen that the market is followed by a correction after a sharp rise, but the current adjustments are small adjustments, and there is not much room for adjustment, indicating that the bulls are still very strong. There is no bearish signal at present, pay attention to low-long opportunities, and the support below is temporarily focused on the 68500 area.

At present, the daily K-line is running above the middle track, and the short-term moving average is arranged above the K-line. The key short-term pressure and support carry the watershed of the market turning point. Unless the market falls strongly and changes the current trend structure, it will continue to maintain the bullish thinking.

Operation suggestions for noon on Tuesday:

Bitcoin: Short-term retracement to the 68300-68800 area is bullish, looking at 70000-71500. After the rebound, consider going short!

Ether: Just follow the synchronous thinking, lock the point, and take good defense! #BTC走势分析 #ETH #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准