Bitcoin fluctuated upward yesterday morning, relying on the 68,000 line, breaking through 68,500-69,200 in turn. It broke through the 70,000 mark yesterday evening and reached a high of around 70,300. It fell back under the pressure of 70,500 above, and then fell back to around 68,500!

The two-day shock correction over the weekend also showed results during Monday's trading. The price of the currency continued the upward trend of last week and broke the high, but it did not go too fast. The short-term strong pull-up and breakout not only consolidated the short-term bullish trend, but also led the daily line to break through and stabilize the resistance pressure of last week's adjustment. Last night's retracement did not have a big impact on the bullish trend. There is no more rising but not falling. All retracements can be regarded as corrections. We still maintain confidence in the bulls.

Tuesday morning operation suggestions:

Bitcoin: Short-term retracement to the 68,000-68,500 area is bullish, looking at 70,000-71,500. After the rebound, consider going short!

Ether: Just follow the same thinking, keep your position and defend well! #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准