According to ChainCatcher, Binance responded to the Twitter user @CryptoNakamao, whose web page cookies were hijacked due to a malicious plug-in and suffered a loss of $1 million. The user said that they were very sorry for what happened to him. After analyzing the case, colleagues in customer service, security, and risk control restored the scene here in line with the principle of "openness and transparency":

1. The cause of the incident is that the user's computer was hacked;

2. Binance security customer service took 1 minute and 19 seconds to process the user's freezing request;

3. It takes time for the platform to investigate the cross-trading, confirm the suspect’s account, and request freezing across platforms;

4. According to the investigation results so far, Binance did not notice any relevant information about the AGGR plug-in before this incident.

Unfortunately, Binance has no way to compensate for such cases that have nothing to do with it. We are very grateful to this user for providing direction for the subsequent optimization of the platform. Binance will provide assistance to him from the perspective of the platform.