【2024.6.3 BTC/ETH intraday market analysis】

Sorry brothers, I have been drinking every night recently, and I am drunk every night. I can't send you the market analysis in the early morning. Please pay attention to the deduction market during the day. If it stands above the white line, the bulls are strong, and the upper red line is the target/pressure level. If it falls below the white line, the air force is strong, and the support level is the green line. In this way, you will know the psychology of long and short.

Bread has closed the weekly line. It was a bit weak last week. If it falls back this week, pay attention to the support levels of 67255-66700-66155 below, and pay attention to the pressure levels of 69659-70750 in the rebound.

Ethereum was relatively strong last week. If it falls back this week, pay attention to the support levels of 3745-3705 below, and pay attention to the pressure levels of 3905-3980 in the rebound.

Last week, Bread and Ethereum were basically sideways at high levels, and the copycats were in chaos, making everyone's contracts low and long, which was basically consistent with the deduction on Monday last week. This week, Bitcoin and Ethereum will move in a certain direction. If there is an upward trend, try to pull back and do more!

Intraday market analysis:

Bitcoin is rushing the daily line today. Pay attention to the position of 68400 today. If it stands firmly above 68400, it will enter the long side. The upper target/pressure level is around 69065-69530-70100.

If it fails to stand at this position, the daily line will continue to move sideways. Pay attention to the support positions of 67750-67255-66710 below. #BTC走势分析 $BTC

Ether is also rushing the daily line today. Pay attention to the position of 3800 today. If it stands firmly above 3800, it will enter the long side at the 4-hour and daily level. The upper target/pressure level is around 3828-3858-3905.

If it fails to stand at 3800, the daily line will continue to move sideways. Pay attention to the support positions of 3760-3720-3680 below. #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH