I turned just 5 dollars into 15 in just about 1 week and I'm going to show you how.

#Notcoin , the asset that has surprised thousands of investors, but I, fortunately, was not one of those, as I already considered that $NOT had the potential to reach the mark it reached in the short term.

As soon as $NOT was launched on Binance, it didn't have the value I expected and this ended up leaving me a little disappointed with the token, but after observing the asset, in about 3 days, I realized that it had the potential for a big increase in the short term. .

The feeling regarding $NOT at that time was pessimistic, with the majority commenting that the currency had no potential and/or that it was a worthless asset.

I continued to analyze its development and its community continued to grow drastically in the short term, just not the token.

That's when I decided to trust my instincts and also, obviously, my research.

I only invested $5, because it was a high-risk asset, regardless of whether it had potential or not.

After around 7 to 9 days, the asset generated an extraordinary increase, exceeding 100%.

Before investing, through my research I had already established that the average short-term high of this asset was around this, but that it could exceed even more.

That's when I made the decision to sell 50% of my equity in $NOT, keeping only the other 50%, which in this case was the "profit" from the initial investment.

I maintained the "profit" until today, when again the asset appreciated by around 100%, where again I sold half and kept half.

Conclusion: Don't invest for emotion, but for reason. Research, plan and define your "stop" before even investing. Conscious investing prevents you from considering a value beyond what your investment is really worth and automatically prevents you from making mistakes and/or even losses.

One reason this strategy, which I use, is so effective is that if there is a big downturn, for example, I can reinvest using the same money taken from the investment to buy it at a lower price.