I turned 200 dollars into 320 in just about 4 months, and I'm going to show you how.

Discover one of the main strategies I used.

I started my investments on Binance this year on February 15th with just $20, but little by little I started depositing until on March 27th I accumulated $200, which was my ultimate accumulation goal, and recently I started sharing my knowledge and experiences with the Binance community on June 2nd.

The strategy that yielded the most for me during this period was to "split" all my investments in two. In other words, using two mechanisms in practically each token invested.

• The first mechanism aims to achieve short-term gains, which has generated the famous "snowball effect". It works by taking advantage of market volatility to make small gains. At first the gains don't seem to make a difference, but over time they do. Just to give you an idea, 70% of all the profit I made on Binance today was due to these little bits accumulated over time.

• The second mechanism has the objective of long-term gains, where I invest and only move when the investment reaches the desired high.

To explain how these two strategies work in practice, I will use $BTC as an example:

Assuming that the person has already studied and analyzed bitcoin BEFORE investing, they will divide the investment made in it into two, 50% for the short term and 50% for the long term. I usually, when given the option, leave the long-term part "locked" in the token's term liquidity, to avoid confusing the amount available for each use.

Once this is done, then just pay attention to market volatility and repeat the process when investing in new currencies.

I hope I have given you clarity and informative value.

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NOTE: In the reference chart, the high fluctuations are from profit withdrawals, which I use in other investments to diversify risk. My goal is to make investing in crypto your own profit from risk.