Let me show you a world map. The white circle in the map is Asia, which accounts for 8.6% of the earth's total area.

However, 4.2 billion people, accounting for more than 60% of the world's total population, live permanently in

We live in this area, which means that it is much more difficult to obtain production and survival materials than in Europe and America.

In the blockchain world, which is famous for cutting leeks, there are few teams facing severe survival tests with a long-term construction spirit. I personally envy Europeans and Americans who can easily say "Let's keep building". They are really more casual.

However, the people/teams living in the white circle on the picture have a very hard life.

As a freeloader, the first thing we need is to get airdrop rewards from the project, which also means that the starting point for your project interaction must be profitable.

Remember you are here to make money, not to build blockchain

Let’s start today’s topic. We will use real-life cases to help you research projects and identify blockchain teams in different countries.

🔹Beginner's guide: Use tools to query your team

🔹Advanced: Using social media surveys

🔹Master: No sword in hand, but a sword in the heart

With particular emphasis on

Not all Chinese/Asian projects are eager for quick success. About 5% of the project parties are real builders who have a big vision to give back to the community. It’s just that I personally tend to give priority to interacting with European and American projects, which have a higher rate of return.

This article is only for the purpose of popular science education to help everyone identify the nationality of the team. All Asian project parties mentioned in the article are only used as investigation case demonstrations, without any intention of praise or criticism. Please correct me if there is anything inappropriate. Thank you very much

Let’s get started

🔹Beginner's guide: Use tools to query your team

🧙‍♂️Registration address investigation

Tools Crunchbase


This website is good for checking blockchain projects. It has many details, such as the registration address that other websites don’t have.

It can be seen that the registered address of @SmartLayer (formerly known as tokenscript) is Australia


🧙‍♂️Team Publicity Survey

Tools Rootdata


This Chinese website has strong data visualization, which makes it very convenient to check the team and VC information disclosed by the team itself

It can be seen that the founder of @BitlayerLabs + the lead VC are all Chinese


🧙‍♂️The team did not disclose the resume investigation

Tools Linkedin


What should I do if the team does not directly disclose/real-name the founding team?

At this time, it is recommended to use various recruitment/headhunting websites around the world to search for company information. Take Linkedin as an example.

First log in to the company homepage, select People to connect to relevant personnel, and then you can find the undisclosed team members


It can be seen that the founder of @sanctumso is a Singaporean Chinese


Once again! I have great respect for the Asian teams and projects that are truly building

This article is only for the purpose of popular science education to help everyone identify the nationality of the team. All the project parties mentioned in the article are only used as investigation case demonstrations, without any intention of praise or criticism. Please correct me if there is anything inappropriate. Thank you very much


🔹Advanced: Using social media surveys

🧙‍♂️Explore the Discord community

After entering the official DC, you can directly ask Mods (administrators) and team members questions, and ask the founding team's names, Twitter, nationality, etc. without hesitation. In my experience, about half of the administrators are willing to share this information. If you encounter someone who is unwilling to disclose it, please use the following reasoning method


🧙‍♂️Watch Twitter followers

Tools Rootdata


Click on the "X Statistics" function on the website, and among the celebrities who follow this project, the proportion of Chinese people exceeds 50%.

It can be predicted that @ThetanutsFi is most likely a Chinese team


🧙‍♂️Survey of website domain name registration location

Note that this method has been packaged and improved by the project party in recent years. This article does not mention the obsolete technology in detail, but only lists it for your reference.

Tool whois query registration place


Continue below

🔹Master: No sword in hand, but a sword in the heart

If you think and learn carefully during the years of interactive airdrops, within two years

You can: Have a clear mind and fly with a sword

At this point, your ability and social circle have already become outstanding. You don't need to stick to trivial tricks to identify your opponents. You only need to chat with the project owner for a few words or ask your friends to identify their identities.

Although the technique is no longer used, I still share some interesting methods for your enjoyment.

🧙‍♂️r u ok

To chat, just type these three words and observe whether your opponent accepts the move or not;

Chinese people understand, but non-Chinese people don’t. Determine nationality in seconds


🧙‍♂️Social profile pictures

Asian culture is introverted, especially Chinese people rarely use their own photos as social media avatars. If it is a cartoon/NFT avatar, the probability of Asians is higher.


🧙‍♂️Active time zone

Observe the official Twitter account of the project and the tweet/reply time of the DC team. If it is particularly active in the East 8 zone, it is likely to be an Asian project.


Some of the experiences I shared today may make the old leeks laugh, but I hope it can be helpful to newcomers

I wish you all can achieve the state of "no sword in hand, but a sword in the heart" as soon as possible.

Complete Hundreds and Thousands of Kills in the airdrop

I wish you all get rich