When you make tens of millions in the cryptocurrency circle, what should you do if the bank asks you where the money comes from?

Don't worry, you have earned money in a legitimate way, so what are you afraid of? Just go to a big bank, and if someone asks, just tell the truth; if no one asks, just withdraw it directly.

Playing virtual currency is not about cutting leeks, no problem. Remember, go to a big bank, a small bank may cause you trouble.

Today, I will explain to you the problem of bank card freezing. Collect and follow, and find a quiet place to read.

There are many scammers in the cryptocurrency circle, and they use tortuous means when withdrawing cash, so don't trust anyone easily.

Some people say that there are safe channels that will not freeze the card, don't believe it! Those who sell cards guarantee the safety of the card, but you pay a high price.

Scammers teach you cash transactions, isn't that money laundering? Once caught, there is no doubt.

So, why are bank cards in the cryptocurrency circle frozen? It's not because of the cryptocurrency circle, but because of fraud and money laundering.

The bank doesn't know that the money you transferred is for currency cash. So why is it frozen?

One is the bank's internal risk control, such as the card has not been used for a long time, abnormal flow, etc.

The second is the judicial authorities freezing it, encountering black money. Therefore, privacy must be protected during deposit and withdrawal transactions.