Advice! How can newcomers avoid being ripped off?


When you first enter a new field, you must first understand the ins and outs of this circle. Don't believe those stories of getting rich overnight and increasing investment returns by thousands or tens of thousands of times. Those are all special cases of successful people. No matter how good you are in other fields, here you are a novice and have to learn from scratch.

In the digital currency circle, there are more traps than you can imagine. At the beginning, you may encounter a pit after taking three steps. Don't think that you are smart and won't fall into it. Believe me, novices will step on the pit.

Let's talk about "contracts" first. You may hear this word and even think it's like gambling, but it doesn't matter if you want to try it. Listen carefully, don't touch the contract! Whether you want to try it out or dream of getting rich overnight, don't touch it. There is no eternal winner in the casino, and it is very likely that you will lose everything in the end.

Let's talk about the "primary market". It sounds very high-end, as if you can double your wealth overnight. But do you know? There are a lot of leeks here. Maybe one day you were pulled into a group, and the group owner recommended a project that sounded great. You invested in it, but the next day your money was gone. You asked the group owner what happened, and he might tell you that he didn't know, or that it was an accident. Is it possible that he was the person in charge of the project?

There are also "copycat coins". You may think, then I'd better buy coins honestly and keep them. But the question is, can you bear not to sell them? When you see that the coins you bought have been falling, while other coins are soaring, can you stay calm? I guess you can't do it. It is more likely that you will chase the rise and sell the fall, and the result is that you buy at the highest point and start to lose money.

Of course, this circle is not only about risks, but also many opportunities. But the premise of seizing opportunities is that you have to be prepared, learn and understand down-to-earth. Since you have come to this circle, you should figure out what it is all about. Maybe you can brag about it in the future and say that you have participated in the blockchain and Internet revolution!

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