Whether ordinary people can make money in the cryptocurrency circle depends only on one point: that is cognition.

May has passed, June has come, and half of the 24 years have passed unknowingly.

We can reflect and summarize our investment process in the cryptocurrency circle.

How has the profit and loss been in the past six months?

Profit is what we did right. We will continue to improve what we did right in the next few days, continue to maintain the correct operation direction, and ensure that we can get better results in the future.

What if it is a loss? The loss here depends on whether you have a real loss or a temporary floating loss?

There is still an essential difference between the two. The floating loss is only displayed in your account. There will be two subsequent results. If the currency you choose is high-quality and may explode in the future, then in the subsequent bull market, you can escape the top and cash out in time before the end of the bull market, or you can turn losses into profits. For now, it is just a floating loss.

And what is the real loss?

For example: You have 100,000 yuan of capital and enter the market with all your money. Whether you buy one or several currencies, you may have to sell at a loss because of the wrong entry timing, poor position management, poor asset allocation, and no risk control. At present, you only have 50,000 yuan of capital left because of the decline in the market. This is a real loss.

As long as this operation goes through two waves, then this bull market may not be a question of how much you want to earn, but whether you can get your money back. If you cut it in half twice, if we want to get our money back, we need to increase it four times.

For this situation, we need to reflect and summarize deeply. Only when we reflect and summarize where the core problem lies and solve it effectively, can we avoid making mistakes in the subsequent trading process, which can reduce the probability of continuing to lose money and greatly increase the probability of making money.

There is no god in the financial market. If we want to surpass the people around us, we need to continue to learn, improve our cognition and vision, and master professional skills.

Since we have embarked on the road of cryptocurrency investment and understood the future dividend trend of the cryptocurrency circle, we should not waste time and energy.

Drinking, playing cards, bragging, shopping, watching videos, and playing games will only waste our time and energy. The most realistic thing for adults is to use this time to continuously improve their abilities and study more about how to make money.

We must be willing to spend money and pay for learning, because our personal abilities, cognition and professional skills are limited, and we don’t understand many things. We can only avoid detours by learning more.

Truly wise people pay to find someone to learn, so as to save a lot of time and cost of self-exploration and trial and error.

There are thousands of reasons why we lose money in the currency circle, but those who can make long-term stable and continuous profits must be similar, because the logic and rules behind them are interlinked.

In order to make our investment in the currency circle smoother, what reason do we have not to shorten our journey and learn from the experience of those who have already walked and got results in this circle?

The key lies in everyone's cognition.

Cognition is not a brainwash or empty talk. Cognition determines our daily behavior, and behavior can bring the final result, that's all.

Three years to enter the industry, five years to understand the industry, and ten years to become the king. Trading is not about getting rich overnight, but reasonable profits, which can be long-term, stable, sustainable and high-probability, so that you can continuously obtain wealth. Professionalism creates value, and details determine success or failure. If you feel helpless or confused when trading in the cryptocurrency world, you might as well follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries of the cryptocurrency world and future possibilities with me. Click on the avatar to find me.

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