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Let me tell you directly in advance! The main reason why Chinese retail investors can't get meat at this stage is quantitative funds. Quantitative funds have changed the ecology of the market unprecedentedly. This has never happened in the bull market in 2014 and the bull market in 2020! ​ Let's look at two data: The first is the situation of the daily limit. In the past, there were hundreds of daily limits in the market. Even if the market was not good, there were dozens of daily limits. From the past month, there was less than one day with 20 daily limits in the market. Looking at this week, the number of daily limits is even less! Don't forget that there are more than 5,000 listed companies in A-shares now, and there are very few companies with daily limits, which shows that market liquidity is already very tight. ​ The second is the rotation of the market. There is a joke that says that there are 14 waves of money-making opportunities in A-shares today. Have you grasped them? Grasp the hammer, except for quantitative grasping the 14 waves of opportunities here, you are a human, not a machine. Quantitative makes the market hot spots scattered, there is no main line, shoot here and shoot there, if you chase high, you are standing on the top of the mountain, if you buy at the bottom, there will be lower points behind. ​Look at the 140 billion daily trading volume, quantitative is like a fish in water! Now the market has only 700 billion trading volume, and quantitative is still fishing in troubled waters! How many fish are left in the pond? How much water is left? #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 #meme板块关注热点 #MegadropLista $USDC $SOL $BNB

Let me tell you directly in advance! The main reason why Chinese retail investors can't get meat at this stage is quantitative funds. Quantitative funds have changed the ecology of the market unprecedentedly. This has never happened in the bull market in 2014 and the bull market in 2020!

​ Let's look at two data:

The first is the situation of the daily limit. In the past, there were hundreds of daily limits in the market. Even if the market was not good, there were dozens of daily limits. From the past month, there was less than one day with 20 daily limits in the market. Looking at this week, the number of daily limits is even less!

Don't forget that there are more than 5,000 listed companies in A-shares now, and there are very few companies with daily limits, which shows that market liquidity is already very tight.

​ The second is the rotation of the market. There is a joke that says that there are 14 waves of money-making opportunities in A-shares today. Have you grasped them?

Grasp the hammer, except for quantitative grasping the 14 waves of opportunities here, you are a human, not a machine.

Quantitative makes the market hot spots scattered, there is no main line, shoot here and shoot there, if you chase high, you are standing on the top of the mountain, if you buy at the bottom, there will be lower points behind.

​Look at the 140 billion daily trading volume, quantitative is like a fish in water!

Now the market has only 700 billion trading volume, and quantitative is still fishing in troubled waters!

How many fish are left in the pond? How much water is left? #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 #meme板块关注热点 #MegadropLista $USDC $SOL $BNB

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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未来几年其实是穷人的日子更好过。 大家要用“富人思维”赚钱。 但是用“穷人思维”生活。 越摆烂越幸运,不被割韭菜。 有全款购买的能力,可以做无息贷款,拖长还贷时间,反正现在是刺激消费,求着你买,而接下来是通货膨胀。付得慢等于付得少。 不被割韭菜,不焦虑,不需要买学区房,等我们的孩子长大,小学都招不太满生源,中学要求着抢人,高考也不会内卷。 生孩子,现在没有什么值得投资经营的,投资娃,娃哪怕挣不来大钱,却会回报你无条件的爱。 花几百万投一个饭店,不知道什么时候能回本儿就倒闭了,你说我开放加盟,民智已开也没什么人憨憨加盟,超过一定数额根本不约。这个套路太多年了,大家都很清醒冷静。 所以钱最好的安放方法:买金条,买白银,因为在打仗,抄底买外汇,因为美国在调教玩弄韩国日本这些小弟国,捡漏买改善房,但是全款的实力故意贷款,车同理。投资娃。 越努力越不幸,所以不挣扎,育儿,理财,养生,迷信。 做一个改良型的平成废宅(生育版),20年以后,下一代的日子会好过起来的,等风来。重新建设,需要时间成本,需要娃竞争对手的母体们放弃繁殖。 你能买就行了,他们不在乎你是溢价买还是打折买,不赔本就行,消费品的市场啊,现在就是这么,卑微。求求你了,快来买吧,买方市场,车,房,租,都一样。 现在负债的才是大爷,大不了不还了两眼一闭死个der的了。储蓄的都在缩水,有产阶级都在贬值。#美联储利率决策即将公布 #第55期新币挖矿IO #币安用户数突破2亿 #bnb历史新高 #MegadropLista $USDC $BTC $ETH
大家发现了没有?90%的亲友,希望看到你返贫,破产,负债累累,妻离子散…… 人性,真的不需要试探,没有人希望你比他过得好,他们表面上对你很客气,背地里都希望你比他更穷。听到你有破财的事情,比自己挣到钱还开心。 嫌你穷,怕你富。在你落魄的时候,没有人会帮你,反而落井下石。甚至背后说你的坏话,所以得意时别炫耀,失意时憋在心里,没有人与你共情。 一定要把自己的财富规划好,哪怕是有一点点漏洞,可能都会让你返贫。人,往上面爬有重心的吸引,向下面坠,有加速度…… 无论是创业,还是投资,以及生活都需要给自己留补救的后路。我在周末的专栏里面就分享过自己的计划,我不知道是挖坑下跌了上涨,还是直接上涨,但是仓位管理可以化解,跌了,我有近半仓余粮,涨了,我有近半仓筹码,自己的交易体系,有80%的时间都是半仓滚动。 仓位管理,就像给财富加了道保险,我不担心自己的投资破产,无论是买房,还是其他。只参与有安全边际的筹码,今年的行情不好,去年的行情也不好,你们会发现,我的精力全在大盘指数基金上面,而不是股票。自己的财富也有很多在2022年布局地产里面,虽然跌了些,但总比持股好…… 这种行情里面要么持有大盘股,要么持有大盘指数基金ETF。但是持有大盘股的涨幅与大盘指数差不多,一样也挣不到超额利润,你们说银行、电力、煤炭涨得好,只是涨的时间长,不是涨幅多。整体下来,持有大盘指数也有20~30%…… 今年,近5000家股票,整体下跌了10~20%!指数在3050点,股票可能在2850点,甚至2050点。我的策略,你只有经历过了,才会明白只有加密货币才是未来#非农就业人数高于预期 #第55期新币挖矿IO #币安用户数突破2亿 #bnb历史新高 #TopCoinsJune2024 $PEPE $PEOPLE $NOT

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