When it comes to the #Metaverse , Mark Zuckerberg’s grand vision, the numbers are not as impressive as we might wish.

  • Only 20 million Quest virtual reality headsets have been sold since 2019, and a mere 200,000 users are active in Meta Platform Inc.’s flagship virtual reality experience, Horizon Worlds.

But as a believer in the future of VR and AR, I see potential, not just problems. I am optimistic that this technology, like #crypto and AI, will one day be used by the masses. 💡

The Financial Reality of the Metaverse 💰

One number, however, stands out: a staggering $21 billion has been spent on creating the Metaverse since the beginning of 2022.

This leads us to question: just how much money is #Zuckerberg prepared to spend to make his Metaverse successful?

It's a lot, but Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will the Metaverse. 🏗️

Meta's Current State and Future Hopes 🚀

Despite the vast amounts spent, #Meta is still thriving. Its online advertising business is booming, which buys Zuckerberg some time. Yes, investors are concerned about the money spent on the Metaverse, but I believe their patience will pay off. As Reality Labs expenses continue to soar, even Zuckerberg recognizes the need for some restraint. But he's also aware of the potential. 💼

Zuckerberg’s Metaverse vision needs to become a reality sooner rather than later. As the advertising market inevitably experiences downturns, his vision must stand strong. The clock is ticking, but I am confident that we are on the verge of something transformative. ⏳

The Power of Validation: Apple's Influence 🍎

Interestingly, a ray of hope could come from an unexpected source: #Apple Inc.

Apple’s Vision Pro headset has rekindled interest in virtual and augmented reality, offering something Meta seems to lack – a 'cool factor.' Apple's initiative validates the overall thesis of mixed reality and gives Zuckerberg more time with investors. It's validation that encourages us all. 💡

Still, a nagging doubt remains: can VR and AR gain the public’s interest or desire? I believe it's possible. As with crypto and AI, initial adoption might be slow, but these technologies are on the cusp of breaking into the mainstream. We must be patient. 🎯

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